Pozo PWA WC Gran Canaria

In einem spannenden Finale gewinnen Victor Fernandez und Daida Moreno das PWA Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival!

Pozo machte seinem Ruf in diesem Jahr wieder alle Ehre. Viele befürchteten, dass, wie vergangenes Jahr auch, das PWA Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival ohne Ergebnis beendet werden würde, doch der letzte Tag änderte alles. Nach neun! actiongeladenen Stunden stehen Victor Fernandez und Daida Moreno als diesjährige Gewinner des PWA Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival fest. Der Zweitplatzierte Ricardo Campello zeigte, trotz einer mit mehreren Stichen genähten Fußverletzung, eine herausragende Performance und schickte im Halbfinale auch Philip Köster, den “King of Pozo” nach Hause. Am Ende des sehr spannenden Heats waren beide punktgleich, durch die höhere Wave-Wertung zog jedoch Ricardo ins Finale ein, das er äußerst knapp (0,3 Punkte)   gegen einen sehr starke surfenden Victor Fernandez verlor. Ricardo stand einen „Stalled Double Forward“,  der den Sieg für ihn bedeutet hätte, nicht. Einen der besten Moves des Tages zeigte Brawzinho im kleinen Finale gegen Jaeger Stone. Ein spektakulärer “Stalled Double Forward”, absolut perfekt gelandet, wurde mit 10,88 Punkten von den Judges belohnt. Rang drei für Brawzinho, Jaeger Stone meldet sich mit Rang 4 auf der Tour zurück. Auf Rang 5 finden sich Philip Köster und ein routiniert surfender Klaas Voget. Dany Bruch wurde Neunter, ebenso wie Moritz Mauch, der gegen Landsmann Leon Jamaer im ersten Heat gewann. Bei den Damen zeigten die Moreno Twins an ihrem Homespot erneut eine ausgezeichnete Leistung. Platz eins für Daida, zwei ging an Iballa. Überraschung aus deutscher Sicht, Steffi Wahl, einzige deutsche Starterin, steht als Dritte auch auf dem Treppchen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! PWA / Chris Yates: The final day of the PWA Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival lived up to expectations as Pozo provided a full day of fantastic competition - spanning nine action packed hours - to conclude the event. By the end of the day a result had been gained in both the men’s and women’s division as Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) produced a magnificent display to be crowned the champion of Pozo for the fifth time in his career, whilst Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) reasserted her dominance by reclaiming her Pozo crown having lost out to her sister Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in 2012. Single Elimination - Men’s Winners’ Final Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) lined up against Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) in the winners’ final, in the heats prior to the final both sailors had been firing on all cylinders and they continued their rich vein of form over the next fourteen minutes. Fernandez made the perfect start as he rotated through a double forward, quickly followed by a one-handed backloop. Campello on the other hand endured a frustrating opening five minutes as he failed to hunt down the ramp he required for his usual radical aerial antics. With his nerves settled, Fernandez, continued to rack up the points as he delivered a superb goiter followed by a backside air and a further two, aggressive backside hacks. Campello in the meantime managed to land a big double forward, but with things not quite going to plan, until now, Campello headed back to the beach to change up equipment size. By this point Fernandez had built a healthy lead and it looked for all the world that the Spaniard would claim a relatively comfortable victory. However, Campello wasn’t about to lay down and take defeat lightly and the Brazilian responded with an extraordinary, fully planing, one-handed, one-footed forward loop. With just a minute to go Campello trailed by just 0.3 of a point, but he couldn’t link a final wave worth 6.66 points or more and with that Fernandez deservedly claimed his fifth victory in Pozo. Victor Fernandez on today and claiming the first victory of the year: “When we arrived at 7am this morning I think everyone was low on motivation looking at the conditions, but when I looked to my caddy we both agreed that I should go out on the water. After I did a few rides and jumps I think Duncan decided to start. We started with Klaas and Kenneth and I think it was good idea to start because after that we basically didn’t stop. I was really happy with my wave riding in the final, I think this was the best I did all day. I think my best jump was in the semifinal against Brawzinho with my double forward and also one-handed, one-footed backloop. I had to push myself to the limit in every heat, but I’m  just delighted to win the first event of the year.” Close Call The quarterfinals saw a monster match up between Ricardo Campello and Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) in what proved to be the closest heat of the entire contest. In fact the dual ended as a dead heat, but Campello advanced due to his superior wave score. The Brazilian was as radical as ever in the air, but earned an almost perfect - 9.125 points - after combining a sick backside air with a frontside wave 360 and a few slashy backsidee hacks. One of the moves of the day occurred in the losers’ final from the reigning world champion - Marcilio ‘Brawzinho’ Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC). The Brazilian launched into an amazing stalled double forward as he was awarded 10.88 points. Brawzhi’s stalled double was made even better by the fact that he was still accidentally hooked in on the way up, but still had the control and audacity to land the move almost perfectly. Alessio Stillrich (Starboard / North) also deserves a special mention after achieving his best finish to date on the PWA World Tour - joint fifth alongside Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Simmer / MFC), John Skye (RRD / RRD / MFC) and Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) respectively. The nineteen year old demonstrated his trademark super tweaked pushloops - also executing them one-handed - whilst also attempting double forwards in his attempt to break into the top four and beyond. Single Elimination - Women’s Winners’ Final The legendary Moreno twins - Iballa Moreno and Daida Moreno - once again faced each other in a winners’ final and produced their usual outstanding display of tricks early this morning. Daida made a strong start to the final as she stomped a one-handed backloop, before quickly accumulating her highest wave score of the heat as she delivered four aggressive frontside hacks. In the meantime, Iballa, landed a perfectly rotated backloop before unleashing more of her trademark, vertical, snappy turns. The twins actually finished the heat with equal wave scores, but Daida was able to clinch victory, for the first time since 2011 in Pozo with a massive stalled forward. Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) secured the final place on the prestigious podium as she defeated Amanda Beenen (Tabou / GA Sails) by the narrowest of margins. On the wave only 0.6 of a point separated the two girls, but Wahl was just able to edge the contest in the air as she landed a forward loop and a super tweaked tweaked tabletop. Overall Results PWA Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival - Men’s 1st Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC) 2nd Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) 3rd Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC) 4th Jaeger Stone (SSD / Severne) 5th Klaas Voget (Fanatic / Simmer / MFC) 5th Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North) 5th John Skye (RRD / RRD / MFC) 5th Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) Overall Results PWA Gran Canaria Wind & Waves Festival - Women’s 1st Daida Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 2nd Iballa Moreno (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) 3rd Steffi Wahl (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) 4th Amanda Beenen (Tabou / GA Sails) 5th Caterina Stenta (RRD / RRD) 5th Justyna Sniady (Simmer / Mystic) 5th Carmen Afonso Martin 5th Alice Arutkin (Fanatic / North)