Aloha Classic - AWT Day 2

Boujmaa Guilloul siegt in der "Pro Division" vor Kevin Pritchard und Josh Stone

Am zweiten Tag des AWT Starboard & Severne Aloha Classic hatte Hookipa erneut beste Bedingungen zu bieten. So gut, dass es am Ende des Tages nicht nur ein Eventsieger in der “Pro Wertung” feiert, sondern auch ein neuer Weltmeister ganz oben auf dem Treppchen steht. Der Event geht an Boujmaa Guilloul, der sich im “Super Final” gegen Kevin Pritchard mit der letzten Welle durchsetzen konnte. Ein “head dip Aerial” sowie ein Goiter gaben im Vergleich zum Wave 360 von KP den Ausschlag. Maui Local Josh Stone war ebenfalls in Topform und sichert sich Rang 3 vor Jason Polakow. Für Levi Siver ging es im Viertelfinale auf die rocks – und mit gebrochenem Material konnte der PWA Eventsieger des letzten Jahres nichtsmehr im Kampf ums Weiterkommen ausrichten. Auch Marcilio Browne zeigte unter den Top 8 einige brilliante Moves, konnte aber gegen die Top 4 mit Boujmaa, Polakow, Stone und Pritchard keinen perfekten Heat aufs Wasser bringen der zum Weiterkommen gereicht hätte. Das wirbelt natürlich auch die AWT Gesamtwertung gehörig durcheinander. Pro Champion 2014 ist nun Kevin Pritchard. Levi Siver liegt auf Rang 2 und Morgan Noireaux wird Dritter. Die kompletten Tour Ergebnisse und mehr Details gibts morgen. Nun gilt es erstmal noch die anderen “Divisions” auszufahren und so Startplätze für das PWA Event zu vergeben. Wir bleiben dran. Mehr Infos auf Riders Statements: Boujmaa Guilloul: “I was pretty stressed at the beginning of the day, but I tried not to take and risks and just sail as classy as possible, not pushing any limits. I think this paid off. It was tricky conditions, quite sideonshore and the waves didn’t have much of a lip so it was hard to find the perfect wave. Through the day I relaxed and little and I just sailed with no stress. I was really surprised about where I got to; I couldn’t believe it. By the time I made it to the final I didn’t care, as I knew the worst I could get was second, so I just sailed and had fun. Apparently I sailed better than KP who was absolutely ripping, which I just couldn’t believe. “I love coming to Maui, it is one of the most consistent spots in the world to get wind and waves at this time of year and it’s beautiful. It’s so easy to get into a routine full of sport and forget about all the other stuff at home, you can combine surfing, windsurfing and SUPing; it’s perfect! Maui is also just the heart of windsurfing, being here just helps me improve and I love being here.” Josh Stone: “Us local guys love these kind of conditions, when it gets big; especially us older local guys! It really evens the playing field, at other times the younger guys can bust out all their moves but here today it was all about just pure vertical, hard-hitting waveriding, so I think it really was lucky for us guys. It was a spectacular day and I’m really just blown away to be on the podium, it’s crazy and I’m so stoked! “I did the event last year and I got smoked in the third round! So it was a nice little comeback for me, it’s probably been eight years since I’ve been on a podium for windsurfing. I really just had fun and that’s what the AWT’s all about, just having fun. Nobody’s out there fighting for a million dollar contract, everyone’s just out having a blast. It would be nice to get into the PWA next… I’m not sure if I’m in yet, we’ll have to wait and see, I think I’m qualified to qualify! “The county of Maui has done a phenomenal job really stepping up to the plate for the event and it is huge deal for us to have the Starboard Severne Aloha Classic right here on the north shore of Maui.” Jason Polakow:
“Amazing waves all day today! I think I might have peaked too early though, I had a really tough heat with Levi and Brawzinho and then in the semi I tried to keep the flow going but it just didn’t happen. I was trying to set-up a 360, I had a nice wall on the inside but then it kind of dropped out and I couldn’t seem to pick the best waves. I didn’t see the other guys waves but I’m sure they got some great ones, so congratulations to Kevin and Boujmaa for making the final.“ I haven’t competed for a while over here but I was just back and didn’t have any obligations and I mean I love to windsurf so why not! I love to support the AWT and the PWA and I just want to be part of fantastic event. It’s great to be part of the event back on Maui and I think if we keep working hard we can just build the event bigger and bigger.”