R.I.P Alberto Menegatti

Alberto has left us. He has left us and a big empty space to us his friends, to us his team, to us who windsurfed with you.

Windsurfing has lost a world talent, an uprising champion. Italy has lost one of his hero’s. We supported Alberto like one of our kids in our family. We had the same dream to be on the PWA podium, and together we had managed to reach that goal. He made us cry for his first victory, he made us dream, he gave us emotions that a real champion can give. He made us proud to be Point-7, he gave us reasons to dream further, he motivated us to do better. He was back on track, training hard to get back to the events, and get on that podium once again after one year of break. Yesterday on the water with the team, and today you have left us without notice. We will miss sharing time with you…

Point-7 & The Black Team