PWA World Cup Podersdorf

Tag 5: Kiri Thode ist der Champion im Tow-In!

Mit einer leichten Brise am letzten Morgen des Podersdorf PWA Surf-Worldcup war relativ schnell klar, dass es nicht möglich sein wird, die Single Elimination abzuschießen. Action gab es trotzdem im Chiemsee Tow-in-Finale. Despite the lack of wind and overcast weather a good crowd still turned out at 3pm to watch the top ten tow-in finalists battling it out for the €5,000 prize purse, and the show that followed was spectacular as some massive moves were thrown by the world’s best. Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails) stole the show - and the title - with his first run as the Bonairean landed an exquisite double culo to earn 53 points out of a possible 60. Meanwhile, second place went to Tonky Frans (Tabou / GA Sails), after he exploded through a massive burner 360, whilst the podium was completed by Adam Sims (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg), who showed plenty of creativity to land a perfect double spock.  The day was concluded with the prize giving before the sailors headed there separate ways again until the next freestyle event in Fuerteventura. For now make sure you stay up to date with all the latest news from the first slalom event of the year in South Korea, which runs until the 6th May, by tuning into the PWA website.  Results Chiemsee Tow-in Final: 1st Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails) 2nd Tonky Frans (Tabou / GA Sails) 3rd Adam Sims (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) 4th Antoine Albert (Tabou / GA Sails) 5th Julien Mas (JP / Avanti) 6th Max Matissek (Fanatic / North) 7th Davy Scheffers (Tabou / GA Sails) 8th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) 9th Marco Lufen (JP / NeilPryde)