KIA Cold Hawaii PWA-WC Tag 4

Endlich starten die Wettkämpfe, am Ende des Tages war es jedoch erneut frustrierend.

Die Erwartungen waren hoch am vierten Tag des 2015 KIA Cold Hawaii PWA-World Cups, die Trials waren abgeschlossen, direkt danach wurde die Single Elimination gestartet. Die Bedingungen erwiesen sich heute aber weitgehend frustrierend. Wind und Wellen passten nicht ganz gut zueinander, zudem war der Wind böig und ging ständig rauf und runter. After a slow start in the morning the waves quickly improved once the wind swung slightly to the west and for a while the conditions were excellent with head high waves and cross to cross-off winds. Unfortunately though the conditions didn’t last and despite everyones best efforts it was only possible to complete two heats in the main draw. The first agenda of the day was the trials and Maciek Rutkowski (Patrik / Point-7) was the first man to book his place in the main draw followed by Pablo Ramirez (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) and Arthur Arutkin (Fanatic / North) — who all won their respective heats. Meanwhile, Gustav Haggstrom (RRD / RRD), Markus Rydberg (Simmer / Simmer) and local boy Mads Bjorna (Fanatic / Simmer) battled it out for the final place in the main draw in the repechage round and much to the delight of the locals it was Mads Bjorna, who grabbed the opportunity with both hands as the Dane narrowly edged out Markus Rydberg. Single Elimination
The opening heat of the single elimination featured two-time world champion Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins), who produced a solid display — which included a stylish goiter — to dispatch of Pablo Ramirez. Meanwhile, Graham Ezzy (Tabou / Ezzy) and Josep Pons (Simmer) were neck-and-neck for much of the heat, but the American saved the best till last to wrack up his highest scoring wave of the heat on his final wave to advance into the next round. Alex Mussolini (RRD / RRD) produced the best performance of the day as he effortlessly linked together each wave to defeat Maciek Rutkowski. The Spaniard is renowned for his wave riding capabilities and he proved why as he combined vert snap with fluid takas. On the b-side of the panel Dany Bruch (Starboard / Challenger Sails / AL360) edged a close heat against Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails) advancing by just 0.75 of a point such was the closeness of the duel. The Heat of Doom Heat two featuring Flo Jung (RRD / Gun Sails), Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North), Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) and Arthur Arutkin (Fanatic / North) proved to be the heat of doom. Four attempts were made to complete the heat, but on each occasion had to be cancelled due to the conditions deteriorating during the heat. Having spent the day on hold they will now be the first heat up tomorrow.
Martin ten Hoeve (Goya Windsurfing / Point-7) was forced to retire from the competition after sustaining a suspected broken foot during the warmup. Everyone from the PWA wishes Martin a speedy and successful recovery and we will try to bring you an update when we know more. The skippers’ meeting has been called bright and early for tomorrow morning at 7am with the forecast currently predicting 20-30 knot westerly winds and waves of up to 2.7 meters. If the conditions allow then the action will commence from 7:30am. As always you’ll be able to follow all of the incredible action live via the PWA live stream and live ticker @