Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 3

Das Wartespiel geht weiter in Frankreich.

Auch am dritten Tag des Crozon Morgat PWA World Cups warteten Starter und Zuschauer vergeblich auf Wind. Jedoch hat sich das Wetter gebessert, der dritte Tag war mit herrlichem Sonnenschein ein sehr schöner Herbsttag. Zwar gab es auf dem Wasser nicht besonders viel Action, einige hatten Spaß mit ihren SUP-Boards, trotzdem waren sehr viele Menschen auf der Event-Seite. Es gab Autogrammstunden mit den Stars, einige Stände verschiedener Hersteller und viele Besucher genossen den Rest des schönen Tages am Strand. The waiting game continued on the third day of the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup, but yesterday’s moody skies were replaced with stunning sunshine on a what proved to be a beautiful autumn day.  Although there may not have been much action on the water there were still plenty of people around the event site, as the crowds took the opportunity to rub shoulders with the stars of the windsurfing world with an autograph session at 1pm, before enjoying the remainder of the day at the beach. Earlier in the day we caught up with a few of the sailors to see what their initial impressions of France have been: Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne): “I think the area is beautiful and I've already had one really good surf, which I think was on Friday. I’m looking forward to a bit of mountain biking with my dad over the next few days if the wind and waves don't co-operate.”  Amanda Beenen (99NoveNove / Point-7): “Why are there so many men here? Haha! Crozon Morgat has beautiful scenery and nature! The people seem friendly and the event is very well organised! Oh and I love the Crepes!”   Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / North): “The place is really nice with awesome landscapes and when there's some swell it’s easy to see the massive potential of all the spots. The people are also really nice and the food is great too.”  Aleix Sanllehy (Tabou / GA Sails): “I'm really happy to be part of this event!! The truth is that the forecast doesn't look amazing but the event is really nice. It looks like this place has some really great spots to sail, so we just have to wait fore some wind and waves! Yeww!” The forecast for tomorrow has improved with northeastlery winds of 15-22 knots being predicted alongside a 9 second swell from the southwest during the early morning, which is a better swell direction for Plage de Goulien. With this in mind the skippers’ meeting has been called for 8am tomorrow morning followed by a first possible start of 9am. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest developments via the PWA live stream and live ticker.