Luderitz Speed Challenge

Woche 2 - Wechselnde Bedingungen.

Die zweite von insgesamt sechs Wochen läuft die Lüderitz Speed Challenge 2015 schon. Die Bedingungen sind bislang noch nicht optimal gewesen, werden aber immer besser. Die Windvorhersagen sind gut, lassen wir uns überraschen was in den nächsten Tagen passiert. Mittlerweile ist auch der aktuelle Weltrekordhalter im Speedsurfen, Antoine Albeau eingetroffen – er fuhr bislang die schnellsten Zeiten ist aber noch weit vom Weltrekord entfernt.   This week, we saw Antoine Albeau, the 22 times World Champion in Windsurfing and actual Record Holder in speed, joining the competitors with Mitch Wagstaff from South Africa and the German windsurfer Christian Benzing, one of the main sponsor.   1 race day has been achieved as the conditions have been moderate for Lüderitz. It has allowed riders to tune their equipment and get back into the research of going fast with the combination of what the channel can provide the wind conditions, the technique and the equipment. Heidi Ulrich from Switzerland has however improved her Personal Best with 37.21 kts and has showed improvements along her 1st participation in the Chris Benz Lüderitz Speed challenge 2015.   Yesterday’s wind forecast played around with the organisation of the event a bit, we decided to open but only managed to do a few runs before there was not enough wind, eventually closing the event for the day.   We are sad to see some riders leaving like the Swiss Remo Diethelm and Heidi Ulrich, the Czech Republik riders Martin Toth and Martin Hulinsky, Alexander Goncharov from Ukraine and the 2 French Kitesurfers Sylvain Hoceini and Sébastien Salerno. But we are happy to welcome the French windsurfers Team Thierry Bielak, Yann, Coadic, Jim Cloarec, Christophe Richaud, Christian Maillet, Laurent Fesquet, Pierre Blasini and the British Champion Farrel O’Shea.   Last night’s ceremony gathered the riders to celebrate a few new record and personal bests. Lucky draw winner Sylvian Hoceini, who left today, gets to go back home to France with a diamond.   This World Record Attempt has still 4 weeks to go, what should allow riders to achieve more records and Personal Best in stronger wind. We are looking forward to get good winds on Wednesday and watch all the new riders that have arrived for week 3 of the Luderitz Speed Challenge 2015.