Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 4

Weiterhin warten auf Wind und Wellen.

Auch am vierten Tag des Crozon Morgat PWA World Cups waren die Bedingungen schlecht. Die gestrige Wettervorhersage die etwas Wind für den heutigen Tag voraus gesagt hatte, traf leider nicht zu.
With the wind and waves not co-operating on day four of the Crozon Morgat PWA World Cup, the sailors remained on hold once more. The forecast yesterday evening offered some hope of starting the competition, but unfortunately an early beach check soon revealed a distinct lack of swell. However, whilst the conditions may not have been firing, it was another stunning day to enjoy the spectacular coastline surrounding Crozon Morgat.
With plenty of downtime again today we had a quick catchup with Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / North / MFC), who currently sits second in the overall rankings:
PWA: How are you feeling about the title race? 
VF: “It’s difficult, but you know I’m the only one who has a chance to stop Philip [Köster] this year. Things are definitely in his favour at the moment with no result in Sylt and potentially no result here too, its quite tough to be in this place, especially going to Maui, which is probably the toughest place on tour because you have all the locals who are probably the best at sailing there. It’s likely that it’ll only be wave riding too, which I think makes things even tougher as the level between everyone is even closer. It’s going to be tough, but if I get a chance I’m going to do everything I can to take it.”
PWA: What do you think of Crozon Morgat?
VF: “I really like his place, it’s my first time here, but you can really see the potential this place offers. I managed to sail the day before the competition and you can see a video of that day on my Facebook page. La Palue also looks like it has a lot of potential and I surfed there the other day. Aside from the windsurfing and surfing side of things to people seem really nice and the town is great too, so I’ve been impressed so far.”
PWA: What have you been doing to keep yourself entertained whilst waiting for the wind?
VF: “Mainly surfing with a bit of running and working out at home. I’ve also been touring around all the different crêperies, which are very famous here. It’s great food and I love the crêpes. I also have my cousin lives close-by in Brest, so she showed us around the town a little bit.”
PWA: Thanks Victor.
With the forecast not looking too promising for tomorrow a tow-in session has been arranged to keep the crowds entertained. The skippers’ meeting for which has been called for 10:30am — followed by a first possible start at 11am. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest news and action via the PWA live stream and live ticker.