Crozon Morgat PWA Tag 5

Kein Wind, keine Wellen. Statt dessen Freestsyle Tow-in. Dieter Van der Eyken gilt als Favorit für das Tow-In Finale morgen.

Auch der fünfte Tag war für die meisten Starter wieder ein Ruhetag. Zur Unterhaltung der vielen Zuschauer am Strand wurde ein Freestyle-Tow-in abgehalten. Heute fuhren 12 Starter die Qualifikationsrunde für das für morgen angesetzte Finale mit sechs Finalisten.


Today saw the qualification round as 12 sailors battled it out for the 6 places in tomorrow’s final. Each sailor was given three attempts to land their biggest and best manoeuvre and newly crowned PWA Freestyle World Champion — Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne) — stomped his authority over the remainder of the fleet as he qualified as the top seed after stomping an explosive pasko to earn — 28.5 points. Ricardo Campello (Patrik / Point-7 / MFC) was the other standout sailor as the Venezuelan/Brazilian also launched into a big burner 360. Campello’s manoeuvre wasn’t landed quite as cleanly as Van der Eyken’s as his foot slipped out of the footstrap on landing, but it was still a different level to the other attempts seen today and he qualified in second place with 24 points. Pablo Ramirez (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) improved with each run and grabbed third place with a stylish forward loop, whilst Adam Lewis (Fanatic / North / SWOX), Marc Paré (99NoveNove / Simmer / Maui Ultra Fins) and Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) secured the remaining places in the final.  Unfortunately the forecast still doesn’t look too promising for tomorrow, so it is likely that the tow-in final will take centre stage. The skippers’ meeting for the main contest will be at 10:30am, before the tow-in skippers’ meeting at 1pm. If the conditions are not suitable as expected then the tow-in final will begin at 2pm. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest news and action via the PWA live stream and live ticker.