PWA Catalunya Tag 3

Viel erhofft - wenig bekommen.

Teilnehmer und Racecrew standen vor einem weiteren anstrengenden Tag beim Catalunya PWA-World Cup. Sehr früh startete der Regattatag, bereits um  06.00 Uhr war – mit der Hoffnung auf Tramontana – das Skippersmeeting. Der angekündigte Tramontana kam auch, leider später als erwartet und eine Zeitlang sah es so aus, als ob es ein hervorragender Renntag werden würde. Leider war der Trmontana sehr böig und es konnte nur ein weiterer Heat gefahren werden. The competitors and race crew faced another challenging day on day four of the Catalunya PWA World Cup. A 6am skippers’ meeting in the hope of the Tramontana wind showing its face didn’t pay off, but it did arrive, just later than expected, and for a while it looked as though some good quality racing was going to be on offer. Unfortunately, however, the gusty nature of the wind enabled only a further heat to be completed. As the morning progressed the wind swung onshore on a day of two halves, but unfortunately neither wind direction delivered suitable racing conditions with the breeze again teasing competitors as it hovered between 5-12 knots for the majority of the afternoon. Heat 5 was the only heat that it was possible to gain a result for and Finian Maynard (99NoveNove / Gun Sails) made the best start of the pack and he led the fleet as they rounded the first buoy ahead of Ross Williams (Tabou / GA Sails / Mystic) and Adriaan van Rijsselberghe (Starboard / Avanti). Over the remainder of the course Williams was able to overtake Maynard to claim first place, while Maynard, van Rijsselberghe and Josh Angulo (Angulo) also safely advanced into the quarterfinals.  Numerous efforts were made to complete heats 6 and 7, but the wind refused to co-operate and the sailors were eventually released at 6pm. The forecast doesn’t look as promising on paper as the last two days, but as the first day showed anything can happen here no matter what the forecast predicts and Saturday still holds hopes of a stronger Tramontana wind funnelling down the Pyrenees Mountains. The skippers’ meeting tomorrow will be held at 9am with the action commencing from 9:30am (GMT+2) — if conditions allow. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest developments from the event.  To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.