PWA Catalunya – Tag 4

Das Wartespiel geht weiter

Die Prognose sah nicht besonders gut aus für den heutigen Tag und genau so verlief er dann auch. Am Morgen war es noch bewölkt und  im Laufe des Vormittags drehte der Wind in auflandige Richtung und nervte die Fahrer mit 5- 11 Knoten bis in den Nachmittag. Ab und zu war es möglich ins gleiten zu kommen, für Rennen war der Wind aber zu schwach.
The sailors were once again released at 6pm and attention now turns towards the penultimate day and there’s a strong chance that racing will be able to resume with the current forecast still predicting Tramontana in the region of 22-28 knots.  Earlier in the day we quickly caught up with Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / North) - who is currently sat in 4th place after replicating his best single result in a race since 2013 and the flying Dutchman had this to say: “It feels great to have the best result in my pocket again as it was 3 years ago since I managed to finish 4th in Sylt. I’m feeling confident and solid with all my gear, so I’m really looking forward to some more racing and hopefully the thermal wind will come back soon so we get back out on the race course.” The forecast for tomorrow means the sailors will be in for another early start with the skippers’ meeting being called for 6am and the action commencing from 6:30am (GMT+2) — if conditions allow. And after the way the Tramontana kicked in out of nowhere yesterday it is likely the fleet will remain on short announcements for much of the morning — to ensure no suitable conditions are missed. Make sure you tune into to stay up to date with all of the latest developments from the event.  To see all the latest from the event — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.