netIP Cold Hawaii PWA

Tag 2 – erneut warten auf Wind.

Auch am zweiten Tag des NetIP Cold Hawaii PWA-Worldcups gab es keine Wettkämpfe, wie vorhergesagt gab es nur leichten Wind und kleine Wellen. During the afternoon a tow-in exhibition featuring — Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne), Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne), Alessio Stillrich (Fanatic / NorthSails), Sebastian Kornum (JP / NeilPryde) and Rasmus Oegelund (Patrik / Sailloft Hamburg) was held to keep the crowds entertained. Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / NorthSails / MFC / Shamal Sunglasses) currently leads the world tour having won both of the opening events and we caught up with the Spaniard for a quick interview, while the wait for wind and waves continue.  PWA: You’ve always had excellent results in Cold Hawaii… how does it feel to be back?  VF: “I´m always happy to be back on every event on tour and especially Klitmøller as I love the variety of the conditions that this spot can offer. I’ve had some good results here in the last years and I hope that we will get the conditions we need to be able to compete this week.” PWA: Probably the question everyone is asking you… but last week saw your main rival for the title — Philip Köster (Starboard / Severne / Maui Ultra Fins) ruled out with injury, which gives you a little bit more space at the top of the rankings — does that take the pressure off you slightly or…?  VF: “I feel good, I don’t put pressure on myself and I don’t like to think further ahead than my first heat here in Klitmøller as I have been in a similar position a few years back, so I´m just focusing on performing well at this event.  I´m very sorry for Philip as getting injured is every sailor's worst nightmare and I wish him the best recovery.” PWA: Setup wise what does your quiver consist of for here?  VF: “I have 3.4m-5.8m sails and 75l Quad up to 90l plus my big Stubby and I’ll take the same quiver to Sylt, Germany and La Torche, France.” PWA: Thanks, Victor, and good luck. Meanwhile, Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing / MFC), currently occupies 4th place in the overall rankings but is still recovering from a recent injury added: “I broke the first metatarsal about 4 and a half weeks ago. It’s still pretty sore, but I will take some painkillers when we compete and see how it goes. I did it trying a shifty on my first day back in Maui.” The forecast for tomorrow again looks like very light wind, but with a long period swell (0.4m at 14s) there is the possibility of running a SUP competition  — in the event that the wind remains too light for float and ride. The sailors will meet again tomorrow morning at 10am (GMT+1) for the skippers’ meeting.  To stay up to date with all the latest developments from Cold Hawaii — including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page.