Pacasmayo Peru WC

Tag 2: Anderthalb Meter hohe Wellen und idealer Wind machen Pacasmayo zum perfekten Spielplatz für die besten Fahrer der Welt

Ein konkurrenzfähiger Yoav Omer begann den Tag mit einem überzeugenden Sieg über Octavio Cavalaro, der sich einen engen Kampf mit Raoul Reiner um den zweiten Platz lieferte. Omer ritt viele Wellen in einer ziemlich konstanten Art und Weise, aber es gelang ihm, eines der besseren Sets zu finden und den Heat mit 7,13 Punkten zu gewinnen.

Camille Juban (AV Boards / S2Maui) revelled in the early conditions when the tide was low and sets were more solid. Rarely showing a weakness in his sailing and being very careful in his wave selection, he aerialled and goitered his way to a convincing win and set one of the top scores of the day at 15.63. A consistent Arnaud Frennet also had some impressive wave rides to place second and progress through to the quarters.

Heat 3 was the match of the day, with Philip Köster (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) and Alex Vargas (Goya Windsurfing / Naish) trading places and finishing with the two of the top three scores of the Pro Men. However, the approach of the two sailors was vastly different, with Vargas showcasing some of the day’s most pure and aggressive surf style riding. Meanwhile, Koster’s consistency in his trick repertoire was unmatched by anyone and he emerged the victor by just 0.14 of a point after nailing two takas on one wave. The surfing flair of Vargas was memorable and places him as a major threat in the Pro Men.

In Heat 4, Antoine Martin (Starboard / North Sails) had the perfect start with some solid aerials and a goiter off a set wave to score an excellent 8.03 in the first few minutes. He backed it up immediately with another solid set to lead with a heat total of 15.30. Some plane dramas delayed Federico Morisio’s (Starboard / Severne Sails) arrival on the day, but that didn’t seem to phase him. Straight away, he nailed some high speed, late aerials off set waves to progress with a second place and another solid heat score of 14.30 points.

Russ Faurot (Quatro / S2Maui / Black Project Fins) found two good size sets in the first half of Heat 5 and rode them with tight, aggressive turns to claim a convincing win. An improving Nelson Perez flaunted the benefits of consecutive trips to Peru and also secured a place in the quarterfinals.

The ever-consistent Morgan Noireaux (JP / NeilPryde / Black Project Fins) took a comfortable win in Heat 6 with his flawless technique, always selecting the best waves and riding them to perfection. Upcoming Chilean rider, Vicente Gonzalez again rode well in the competition setting, to avoid the elimination round.

In the Pro Women, Sarah Hauser (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing) dominated the first heat, with some of the longest rides of the day. Her consistently tight snaps in critical positions in the pocket were well rewarded and she finished with a strong heat total of 15.20 points. Upcoming Peruvian rider, Denis Blondet was ecstatic to make her way into second place with some well linked turns on set waves.

In Heat 2, Jane Seman (Severne / Severne Sails) started strongly with a 7.27 in the first few minutes. Riding just three waves and using a similar strategy to Juban, she waited patiently for good waves at the point. This approach, combined with aggressive snaps and lip hits on long waves, paid off and secured her the win and a place in the final. Rapidly improving Argentinian rider, Dominica Osman also selected her waves well and showcased some excellent bottom turn/top turn combinations to take second.

Tomorrow shows a small drop in the swell, but a good wind forecast means that competition is likely to continue.