Pacasmayo Peru 2024

Am Finaltag des Peru World Cup 2024 wurde die längste surfbare Welle der Unified World Wave Tour gefahren. Die Gewinner sind Maria Andres (Spanien) und Camille Juban (FRA).

Maria Andres (Spanien) meisterte die sanften Surfbedingungen mit Leichtigkeit, wählte tolle Sets und verband mehrere Turns und Floater, um einige der längsten und eindrucksvollsten Rides des Finales zu erzielen. Andrés fand drei Schlüsselwellen und die besten beiden sicherten ihr eine fast exzellente Gesamtpunktzahl von 15,20 und damit einen sicheren Sieg. Nach einem 3. Platz im Jahr 2022 und einem Sieg im Jahr 2019 hier in Pacasmayo war dies ein süßer und hart erkämpfter Sieg für die Spanierin. Durch den Sieg rückt Andrés auf Platz 5 der Weltrangliste vor und ist in Schlagdistanz zum Podium des Gesamtweltcups.

The number one Women’s seed coming into the Peru World Cup, France’s Sarah Hauser, read her finals waves superbly and showcased trademark tight turns right in the pocket. Hauser didn’t connect quite as many critical turns as Andrés and that was the difference between the two on the day. Towards the end of heat, Hauser managed to find a long peeling beauty that she rode well into ‘middles’ for a 7.27 and cemented her second place. The second place here in Peru holds Hauser in 4th place overall and still in close contact with the top riders and definitely in contention for the overall World Title race.

Australia’s Jane Seman had a rough start to the heat but regained some of her lost ground when she managed to pick up a wide set wave and connect multiple snaps in the pocket and two lip line hits to get herself back into contention with a 6.93. As good sets rolled in towards the end of heat, Seman was a little too inside and had to settle for a medium size wave, where she squeezed in multiple turns to secure third place.

Another Australian, Fifteen year-old Sarah Kenyon had ridden well all competition to make her way into the Women’s final. Kenyon is part of a new wave of young Australian riders who are starting to stake their claim to be amongst the best in the world. She won the Pro Junior and Junior finals at Peru against a mixed fleet of boys and girls.

Pacasmayo Classic 2024 Pro Women results:

1. Maria Andres (ESP)
2. Sarah Hauser (FRA)
3. Jane Seman (AUS)
4. Sarah Kenyon (AUS)

The Men’s final was extremely close with all riders reaching double figure scores. Guadeloupe’s Antoine Martin started strongly with an epic 9.10 ride that nailed a high risk ‘taka’ 360 maneuver early on, followed by aerials, floaters and power snaps tight in the pocket. Lightweight Camille Juban, also from Guadeloupe, answered back with an 8.4 that included an insanely high and tweaked aerial, a one handed top turn and impressively fast and full vertical snaps in the pocket all of which impressed the judges despite the wave being a little smaller than Martin’s best scoring ride. Juban further built his score with a super long peeler that he milked with stylish aerials and snaps to score a 7.23 and give him the win by just 0.03 points. With these results, Martin moves up into 10th overall in the World Rankings, while Juban rises to 7th and is now in striking distance of the overall World Title podium.

Italy’s number one rider, Federico Morisio, competed with trademark consistency he’s shown here in Peru over many years, for 3rd place on the coveted podium. His inspiring repertoire included aerials, aggressive snaps and floaters, which he linked beautifully on several long waves. Morisio scored over 7 for his two best waves and finished with a strong heat total of 14.63.

The number one Men’s seed coming into the Peru World Cup was 3 time Aloha Classic Champion, Hawaiian based and French born Morgan Noireaux who ended his finals run in 4th. Despite the end result, Noireaux impressed with the second highest single wave score of the final at 8.63.

In 4th position now, his World Title race is still very much alive with less than 1,000 points separating him from current 3rd overall Brazil’s Marcillio Brown, 2nd overall Spain’s Victor Fernandez.

Next up, competitors will take a break from competition before heading to the German World Cup next month, and then the Aloha Classic Grand Final in Hawaii in October.

Pacasmayo Classic 2024 Pro Men results:

1. Camille Juban (FRA)
2. Antoine Martin (FRA)
3. Federico Morisio (ITA)
4. Morgan Noireaux (FRA)