Surf Cup Heiligenhafen 2023

25 08.2023
Langer übernimmt Führung bei EM
Einen gelungenen Auftakt erlebte die Formula Windsurfing Europameisterschaft im Ostseebad Heiligenhafen. Trotz schlechter Windvorhersage überraschte Heiligenhafen mit surfbaren Bedingungen. So konnten am Eröffnungstag direkt zwei Wettfahrten gefahren werden. Ein besonderer Fokus lag wie bei jedem Multivan Windsurf Cup auf dem Auftaktrennen. Im Rahmen des Großen Preises der LVM Versicherung war dieses mit 1.000 Euro Preisgeld dotiert. Vincent Langer (GER-1, Fanatic, Duotone) konnte sich so über 500 Euro Preisgeld freuen, während Fabi Wolf (GER-404, FMX Racing, Gun Sails) und Tomaz Romanowski (POL-163, Starboard, Severne) sich über 300 Euro bzw. 200 Euro freuen konnten. In beiden Wettfahrten des Tages konnte der Kieler Vincent Langer dominieren. Mit zwei Siegen sichert sich Langer die Idealpunktzahl 2,0 und führt so am Ende des ersten Tages die Europameisterschaftswertung an. Der Champion im Fin Slalom legte damit eine optimale Basis für die „Mission Europameistertitel“. Langer lieferte sich spannende Duelle mit Fabi Wolf, der gerade erst von der World Sailing Championship in Den Haag angereist ist. Mehrfach wechselte in jeder Wettfahrt die Führung zwischen Langer und Wolf. Nur knapp musste sich Wolf als frisch gebackener Deutscher Meister im Foil Slalom Langer geschlagen geben. Mit zwei zweiten Plätzen kommt Wolf auf 4,0 Punkte und liegt so aktuell auf Platz zwei im Gesamtklassement. Auf dem dritten Platz folgt der Pole Tomaz Romanowski. Mit Platz drei und vier kommt er auf 7,0 Punkte. Der Spanier Fernando Martinez del Cerro (ESP-71, Starboard, Severne) und der Kieler Meno Büchler (GER-91, Starboard, Severne) komplettieren die Top-5. Meno Büchler ist gleichzeitig auch bester Youth U20. Auf Platz zwei in dieser Altersstufe folgt der Kieler Leo Richter (GER-9, JP, Neil Pryde). Auch Platz drei bei den Youth geht nach Kiel: Felix Wehkamp (GER-247, Fanatic, Duotone) komplettiert die Podiumskandidaten nach Tag eins der Europameisterschaft. In der Junior U-17 Wertung dominierte der erst fünfzehnjährige Paul Regber (GER-17, Tahe, Techno Windfoil). In beiden Wettfahrten konnte Regber sich an der Spitze der Junioren platzieren und feierte so einen gelungenen Einstieg in seine Regattakarriere bei der Formula Windsurfing Europameisterschaft. Auf dem zweiten Platz folgte der Berliner Pelle Bo Behrendt (GER-769, Starboard, Sailloft) vor dem Kieler Eric Wehkamp (GER-240, Fanatic, Duotone). In der Masterwertung führt Fernando Martinez del Cerro aus Spanien vor den Polen Wojciech Olejnik (POL-2119, FMX Racing, Loft Sails) und Jacek Dubaniewicz (POL-212, Starboard, Loft Sails). Auch für Freitag ist wieder guter Wind angesagt. Ab 10:30 Uhr kann mit weiteren Wettfahrten an der Erlebnis-Seebrücke in Heiligenhafen gerechnet werden. Die Formula Windsurfing Europameisterschaft im Rahmen des Multivan Windsurf Cups Heiligenhafen läuft noch bis Sonntag. Um 17:00 Uhr werden dann im Rahmen der Siegerehrung die neuen Europameister gekürt. #multivanwindsurfcup #vwn #partnerdersurfer #volkswagen_journey #lvm #königpilsener #chiemsee #heiligenhafen

Surf Cup Sylt 2023 Tag 6

31 07.2023
Nach sechs Tagen gingen am Sonntag die GWA Championships 2023 im Rahmen des Multivan Surf Cups Sylt zu Ende. Die Veranstaltung war ein voller Erfolg.
In allen drei Disziplinen konnten offizielle Wertungen erzielt werden. Dabei fiel die Entscheidung im Waveriding schon am zweiten Veranstaltungstag. Der erst 17-jährige Anton Richter (GER-6, JP Neil Pryde) aus Kiel ist neuer GWA Wave Champion 2023. In den beiden Disziplinen Foil Slalom und Fin Slalom blieb es hingegen spannend bis zum Finaltag, der noch einmal gute Wettkampfbedingungen bescherte. Der neue Deutsche Meister im Foil Slalom ist Fabian Wolf (GER-404, FMX Racing, Gun Sails). Vincent Langer (GER-1, Fanatic, Duotone) sicherte sich den Titel im Fin Slalom. Im Foil Slalom wurde es zum Ende noch einmal richtig spannend. Gleich fünf Fahrer lagen eng beieinander und rechneten sich Titelchancen aus. So war die Anspannung zum Greifen nah. Im entscheidenden Finale hatte Vincent Langer einen perfekten Start. Anders als die meisten Konkurrenten trat er mit der Finne und nicht mit dem Foil an. Auf der Geraden hatte er guten Speed und Kontrolle. Als Führender ging Langer in die erste Halse. Fabi Wolf nutzte aber die Vorteile des Foils in der Halse und konnte Langer so passieren. Die Führung ließ sich Wolf nicht mehr nehmen. Meter für Meter vergrößert sich der Vorsprung, sodass er am Ende überlegen den Lauf gewann. Mit zwei Laufsiegen, einem zweiten, einem dritten und einem achten Platz kommt er auf 2,0 Punkte. Damit sicherte sich Wolf auch den Sieg in der Veranstaltungswertung. Fabi Wolf wird damit GWA Foil Slalom Champion und Deutscher Meister in dieser Disziplin. Hinter Fabi Wolf tobte ein harter Kampf um Platz zwei. Vincent Langer musste sich hier gegen den Niederländer Koen Hessels (NED-88, Starboard, Severne), den Kieler Youngster Anton Richter und Lars Poggemann (GER-730, Patrik Boards, Patrik Sails) behaupten. Mit extrem sensiblen Halsen verhinderte Langer, dass ihn die Verfolger überholen und verteidigt so Platz 2. Koen Hessels aus den Niederlanden erzielte mit Platz 3 in der letzten Wettfahrt sein bisher bestes Ergebnis beim Multivan Surf Cup Sylt. Der erst 17-jährige Anton Richter überzeugte mit Platz 4 vor Lars Poggemann und Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2, Starboard, Severne). Mit dem zweiten Platz in der Abschlusswettfahrt sicherte sich Vincent Langer auch den Vizemeistertitel im Foil Slalom. Er bringt einen Sieg und zwei zweite Plätze ein. Mit 4,0 Punkten liegt er nur knapp hinter dem frischgebackenen GWA Champion Fabi Wolf. Den dritten Platz auf dem Podium der Disziplin Foil Slalom sicherte sich der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen. Er konnte zwei Eliminationen gewinnen. Aber er leistete sich zu viele Fehler, um den Sprung ganz nach vorne zu schaffen. Mit dem sechsten Platz in der Finalwettfahrt konnte Asmussen aber 6,0 Punkte und damit Platz drei festmachen. Nur zwei Punkte dahinter folgt Lars Poggemann. Jonne Heimann (GER-107, JP, Neil Pryde) komplettiert die Top-5. Jonne Heimann ist gleichzeitig auch neuer GWA Youth U21 Champion im Foil Slalom. Leo Richter (GER-9, JP, Neil Pryde) ist Vizechampion U21 Foil. Der Niederländer Koen Hessels ist dritter Youth U21. Anton Richter ist GWA Youth U19 Champion vor Meno Büchler (GER-91, Starboard, Severne) und Keno Recke (GER-10, Patrik Boards, Patrik Sails). Erik Wehkamp (GER-240, Fanatic, Duotone) ist der GWA Junior U17 Champion im Foil Slalom. Pelle Bo Behrendt  (GER-769, Sailloft) kann sich bei seiner Sylt-Premiere über den GWA Vizechampion-Titel bei den Junioren U17 freuen. Im Fin Slalom wurde es auch noch einmal richtig eng. In der Abschlusswettfahrt konnte Gunnar Asmussen sich noch einmal einen Laufsieg sichern. Er rückte damit bis auf einen Punkt an den Führenden Vincent Langer heran. Es reichte jedoch nicht, um diesen von der Spitze zu verdrängen. Langer hatte an den Vortagen mit zwei Laufsiegen und einem zweiten Platz für einen ausreichenden Vorsprung gesorgt. Mit 2,0 Punkten siegt Langer und wird damit GWA Fin Slalom Champion 2023. GWA Vizechampion 2023 im Fin Slalom wird der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen. Der Youngster Anton Richter kann sich Platz drei sichern und seinen Bruder Leo Richter auf Platz vier verdrängen. Die Top-5 werden von Justus Schott (GER-29, Patrik Boards, Duotone) komplettiert. Neuer GWA Youth U21 Champion im Foil Slalom ist Leo Richter vor dem Vizechampion Jonne Heimann und dem Niederländer Koen Hessels. Anton Richter wird GWA Youth U19 Champion vor dem Niederländer Thijs Hannemaaier (NED-107, FMX Racing, North Sails) und Keno Recke. Erik Wehkamp ist GWA Junior U17 Champion im Fin Slalom. Die GWA Champion Titel im Wave wurden bei ruppigen Bedingungen am Mittwoch vergeben. Hier krönte der Kieler Youngster Anton Richter seine überzeugende Vorstellung beim Multivan Surf Cup Sylt. Im Finale setzte er sich gegen seinen Bruder Leo Richter durch und wird so mit erst 17 Jahren GWA Wave Champion 2023. Leo Richter ist Vizechampion. Mats von Holten (GER-2019, Fanatic, Duotone) setzte sich im B-Finale gegen Philip Richter (GER-441, JP, Neil Pryde), den Vater der beiden Finalisten, durch. Von Holten kann sich so über Platz drei auf dem Wave-Podium freuen, während Philip Richter die überzeugende Familienleistung mit Platz vier komplettiert. Der Multivan Surf Cup Sylt war ein großer Erfolg. Fast 100.000 Besucher kamen über die sechs Veranstaltungstage an den Brandenburger Strand in Westerland und verfolgten die spannenden Wettbewerbe der Windsurf-Elite auf der Nordsee. Neben dem Sport lud ein gewaltiges Rahmen- und Partyprogramm zum Genießen und Mitmachen ein.

Multivan Surf Cup Sylt 2023

30 07.2023
Langer führt auf der Finne, Asmussen im Foiling
Der Samstag brachte den erhofften Wind für den Multivan Surf Cup am Brandenburger Strand. Bei 12 bis 20 Knoten konnten zunächst drei komplette Foil Slalom Eliminationen und danach dann noch ein weiterer Fin Slalom durchgeführt werden. Im Foiling führt vor dem Finaltag der Flensburger Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2, Starboard, Severne) vor Fabian Wolf (GER-404, FMX Racing, Gun Sails) und Jonne Heimann (GER-107, JP, Neil Pryde). In der Disziplin Fin Slalom liegt der Kieler Vincent Langer (GER-1, Fanatic, Duotone) vor Asmussen und Anton Richter (GER-6, JP, Neil Pryde) an der Spitze. Nachdem im Fin Slalom und im Waveriding schon an den ersten beiden Tagen des Multivan Surf Cups Sylt gültige Ergebnisse erzielt werden konnten, brachte der Samstag endlich die erhofften Bedingungen für die dritte Disziplin Foil Slalom. Über drei Serien lieferten die Foiler spannende Rennen auf der Nordsee. Gunnar Asmussen hatte dabei mit einem Frühstart einen katastrophalen Start. Danach feierte er aber mit zwei Laufsiegen ein beeindruckendes Comeback. Nach drei Wettfahrten kann jeder Fahrer seine schlechteste Wettfahrt streichen. Asmussen wird so seinen Ausrutscher los und führt die Foilslalom Rangliste vor dem Finaltag mit der Idealpunktzahl 0,0 an. Fabi Wolf startete hingegen mit einem Sieg optimal in die Foilserie. Im zweiten Finale musste er sich mit Platz acht begnügen. Mit einem zweiten Platz lieferte Wolf dann aber eine überzeugende Antwort. Platz eins und zwei bescheren ihm 2,0 Punkte im Foil Klassement. Damit liegt er aktuell auf dem zweiten Platz. Der Youngster Jonne Heimann platzierte sich konstant in der Spitzengruppe. Platz vier, zwei und drei waren die Ergebnisse des ansonsten in der olympischen iQFOiL Klasse aktiven Youngsters. Mit 5,0 Punkten komplettiert er die Top drei in der Gesamtrangliste. Nur einen Punkt dahinter folgt der 22-fache Deutsche Meister Vincent Langer auf Platz vier. Der Kieler punktete mit einem zweiten und zwei vierten Plätzen. Punktgleich folgt Lars Poggemann (GER-730, Patrik Boards, Patrik Sails), der mit zwei dritten und einem neunten Platz punktete. Aufgrund der Tiebreak-Regelung verdrängt Langer Poggemann auf den fünften Platz. Da die Bedingungen weiter perfekt waren entschied die Regattaleitung auf Fin Slalom zu wechseln. Hier konnten am Eröffnungstag bereits zwei Eliminationen gefahren werden. Einen Streicher gibt es ab der dritten Wettfahrt. Bei vier Windstärken konnte Langer sein Können in dieser Disziplin abermals demonstrieren. Mit einem Start-Ziel-Sieg baute er seine Führung in der Fin Slalom Wertung weiter aus. Nach drei Eliminationen kommt Langer mit zwei Siegen und einem zweiten Platz auf die Idealpunktzahl 0,0. Gunnar Asmussen liegt auch in dieser Disziplin mit 3,0 Punkten aussichtsreich im Rennen. Der Flensburger überzeugte mit einem Laufsieg sowie einem dritten und achten Platz. Eine mega Performance lieferte der erst 17-jährige Youngster Anton Richter. Nach seinem Sieg im Waveriding liegt der Kieler Youngster aktuell mit 4,0 Punkten auf Platz drei. Zwei zweite Plätze und ein dritter Platz beweisen, dass Anton Richter das aktuell größte Nachwuchstalent im deutschen Windsurfsport ist. Fabian Wolf liegt aktuell mit 8,0 Punkten auf Platz vier. Die Top-5 werden von dem Finnenexperten Justus Schott (GER-29, Patrik Boards, Duotone) komplettiert.     Auch für den Finaltag versprechen die Prognosen wieder optimale Bedingungen. Vier bis fünf Windstärken können Wettbewerbe sowohl im Fin Slalom wie auch im Foil Slalom ermöglichen. Die Entscheidung um die offiziellen GWA Championship- und DM-Titel fällt damit praktisch auf der Zielgeraden. Die neuen Champions werden dann am Sonntag um 17:00 Uhr bei der Siegerehrung feierlich gekürt.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der offiziellen Website des Multivan Windsurf Cups.


2023 Gran Canaria PWA Fazit

12 07.2023
Event-Fazit: Der 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam geht nach unglaublichen 9 Tagen voller Rennen und Wavesailing zu Ende.
Der 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam hätte nicht besser laufen können, denn an jedem der 9 Veranstaltungstage fanden Wettkämpfe auf Weltklasseniveau statt, bei denen in jeder Disziplin und Kategorie Ergebnisse erzielt werden konnten. Zum ersten Mal seit 2009 kehrten die Racer nach Pozo zurück, und sie enttäuschten nicht mit einigen der besten Rennen, die wir seit Jahren gesehen haben. Die ersten Plätze gingen an Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) und Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde). In den Wellen war Daida Moreno (Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) bei den Frauen nicht zu stoppen, während Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) in Pozo zum ersten Mal in seiner Karriere ganz oben auf dem Podium stand! Mehr über den Youth Contest erfahren Sie weiter unten in der Event-Zusammenfassung. Wave Women’s Daida Moreno (Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) extended her unbelievable winning record in Pozo Izquierdo to 22 event victories since 1999. The only time Daida looked threatened at this year’s event was when she suffered a broken mast on her opening run of the Double Elimination final, but even with only half the heat left the multiple-time world champion came roaring back to claim another emphatic victory. Daida announced her retirement shortly after the final, but it seems high unlikely that anyone will ever get close to equalling her phenomenal total here as she brings down the curtain on a glittering career.  Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) tried to put a dent in Daida’s event winning record, but couldn’t quite find the means to land a telling blow to really put Daida under pressure this time around. Offringa sailed well throughout and another solid second here is enough to see the reigning world champion take the world title race lead having also finished second in Fiji last month. Meanwhile, Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) completed the comeback of the Double Elimination as the German battled back from joint 5th in the single elimination to claim the final place on the prestigious podium.  Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) suffered a knee injury after the completion of the single elimination where she finished 3rd and eventually slips one place to 4th for 2023. The top 5 is completed by Justyna Sniady (North Sails / Maui Ultra Fins). Men’s Having earned multiple podiums here in the past, Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing), finally gets to enjoy the sweet taste of victory in Pozo Izquierdo after a fantastic display of sailing. Browne has put in hours of training and dedication to earn his place on the top of the podium and the reigning world champion gets his just rewards. After a surprise result in Fiji - 17th - Browne’s bounce back to winning ways may also yet prove pivotal in deciding the world title later this year. Victory here sees him rise to third in the overalls and keeps him in touch of current world tour - Ricardo Campello (Naish / Naish Sails) Marcilio Browne: “Beyond happy to win the Gran Canaria event. After so many years trying and finishing on the podium a bunch of times it means a lot to finally get the win. This event has always been high on my list and one of the most challenging for me.” Marino Gil (Goya Windsurfing) pushed Browne all the way this year with the 20-year-old sailing out of his skin - much to the delight of the home crowd. Gil lost out to Browne in the final of the single elimination by just 0.04 of a point, whilst he was able to force a Super Final in the double elimination, which Browne would eventually win. Gil deservedly earns his first podium on the World Tour - second - after a hugely impressive performance and the 20-year-old will be one to watch for the remainder of the year. Gil also earned the only perfect 10 of the competition for an outstanding pushloop forward. Marc Paré (Fanatic / Duotone) also records his best Pozo result to date as the Spaniard completes the podium here. Paré looked dangerous throughout and was disappointed to be knocked out of the double by Gil, but he’ll still be delighted with his result, which sees him climb to second in the overall rankings. Ricardo Campello continues to lead the overall world rankings after a solid 4th place here, but the 37-year-old was gutted to lose a place in the double after Paré gained the upper hand in their latest battle. With two 5-star wave events remaining for 2023, Campello holds a 2,450 point lead as he aims to earn his first Wave world title.  Philip Köster (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) fought his way back from joint 9th in the single to 5th place in the double after winning 4 consecutive heats. Köster hadn’t sailed before the event as he was still recovering from a broken bone in his foot from May, so only he will know if he was 100 percent fit, but with zero preparation it’s still an impressive result. The former 5-time world champion set the highest scoring heat of the contest in Heat 46b - 22 points.  Leon Jamaer (Flikka / GUNSAILS) walks away from Pozo with an excellent 6th place. The German sailed consistently throughout, whilst he fully went for it when he knew he needed something a bit special, which included sailing away from a pushloop forward in Heat 46a, where he would eventually bring Josep Pons’ (CS Custom Boards / Point-7 / Black Project Fins) come back to and end. The local himself records his best result to date on the World Tour - 7th. Pons shares seventh place with Alessio Stillrich (Simmer / Simmer Sails), who looked back to his best and 28-year-old deservedly earns his best result since 2017 - when he finished 6th in Tenerife and 9th overall - before suffering a broken leg in South Africa in early 2018. Stillrich will now try to use this result to gather momentum for the remainder of the season. The top 10 is completed by Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde), Adam Warchol (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing), who achieves his first top 10 result on the World Tour, Antoine Martin (Starboard / NorthSails) and Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone). Slalom Women’s Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) sailed superbly over the 3 days of racing in Pozo to deservedly earn her first event victory on the World Tour. The Spaniard only finished out the top 3, three times in 15 eliminations, whilst she was able to win 6 of them. Victory in Gran Canaria also sees Alabau claim the world title race lead with a 300 point advantage over - Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui) and Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) - who are both on 20,200 points each after finishing 5th and 3rd her respectively. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) drew upon all of her previous racing experience to claim an excellent second place here. The Aruban hasn’t been training much slalom, but sailed unbelievably consistently here - only finishing outside the top 3 once in 15 eliminations. Offringa claims podium finishes in both the Slalom and the Wave to cap a fantastic 9 days.  It was little bit of a case for what could’ve been for Jenna Gibson (Fanatic / Duotone) after the Brit let several winning positions slide over the course of the event. However, Gibson will be able to take a great deal of confidence heading into Fuerteventura at the end of the month as she clearly possesses all the speed necessary to compete for the event titles. Gibson eventually finished 4th in Pozo and sits fourth in the overalls as well.  Men’s Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) bounced back from a bit of a disappointing result in Italy - where a couple of errors cost him dearly - in perfect fashion as the Croat claimed his second  victory in three events. Marotti made a flying start to the event by winning both of the opening eliminations and he never relinquished the lead from there. Marotti’s victory here sees him rise to third in the overall rankings - 600 points behind World Tour leader - Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails).
Rutkowski remains in pole position as he looks the defend his world title from last year and the Pole has made a very strong start to the season. The 31-year-old has qualified for all 14 Winners’ Finals so far this season and he’s showing exactly the kind of consistency it takes to win another world title. Rutkowski felt he didn’t race at his full capacity here, but still earned a solid second place, so he could be even more dangerous in Fuerteventura.
Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils) pipped Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) to the final place on the podium in the final race after a tough battle, which sees the Frenchman move into second place in the overalls - 200 points behind Rutkowski, whilst Iachino has to settle for fourth place here, having been third for much of the event. Expect to see the Italian charging in Fuerteventura as he looks to earn his first podium of 2023. Like his teammate Enrico Marotti, Nicolas Prien (JP / NeilPryde) competed on the foil in every race in Pozo, which paid dividends for both sailors. Prien finishes 5th here, which represents his best result to date, whilst he signed off the event in fashion by claiming his first bullet on the World Tour.  Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) was the only sailor in the 10 eliminations to be able to claim a bullet on the fin - much to the flying Dutchman’s delight. Vonk sailed solidly throughout and walks away with a solid 6th place, just 0.7 of a point ahead of Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails), who did well to bounce back from a slow start to the event to finish 7th. The top 10 is completed by Michele Becker (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils) - 8th - Bruno Martini (JP / NeilPryde) - 9th, who claimed his first bullet on the foil in Elimination 8 - and Jimmy Thieme (Fanatic / Duotone), who competed on fin in every race and earns his best result so far - 10th. Red Bull Rockets Daida Moreno and Marino Gil won the 2023 Red Bull Rockets contest with Daida jumping to a height of 7.4m, whilst Gil pulled a pushloop forward from 11.6m, which incidentally is also the jump he earned perfect 10s for. Youth Wave U20 Girl’s Alex Kiefer Quintana (Fanatic / Duotone) had to come through the repechage round, but once she reached the final she was in dominant form as she saw off Isabel Triviño Delgado (Severne / Severne Sails) and Maria Morales Navarro (Goya WIndsurfing), who complete the podium. U20 Boy’s  There was no stopping reigning U20 world champion - Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) - from making the perfect start to his title defence. Dunkerbeck sailed confidently throughout to make it back-to-back victories at home. Lennart Neubauer (Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) came back through the double to claim second place ahead of Tobias Bjørnaa (Fanatic / Duotone), who completes the podium. U17 Girl’s Girl’s U17 Sol Degrieck (Severne / Severne Sails) claimed a clear cut victory in the Girl’s U17 division as the 13-year-old dominated all three finals with a combination of forward loops and snappy wave riding. Annagiulia Piccaglia secured second place just ahead of Lizzlotte Schilling Andrew (Angulo / Duotone), who takes home third. The two girl’s were tied after a second and a third place in the first two finals, but Piccaglia was able to win the last battle. Boy’s U17 In the Boy’s U17, Carlos Kiefer Quintana (Fanatic / Duotone) was the standout sailor as the young German busted out a 10 point double forward to comfortably advance into Winners’ Final where he would meet Arthur Van den Brande (RRD / RRD Sails). The young German proved unstoppable though with a variety of one-handed backloops and perfect stalled forwards. Van den Brande did well to battle back into second place after having to come through the repechage round. Meanwhile, in the battle for bronze Ryu Ngochi (Starboard / Severne Sails) produced an excellent display to defeat Iu Pijoan (Severne / Severne Sails) Boy’s U15  Ryomi Sugi (Severne / Severne Sails) lined up against Javier Escribano Toribio (Goya Windsurfing) in the Winners’ Final after the young Spaniard came back through to repechage round to progress all the way into the top 2. Escribano Toribio landed his first ever pushloop in the final, but even that amazing effort couldn’t stop Sugi from claiming the top honours with the young Japanese sailor managing to do slightly better on the wave to take the top spot on the podium ahead of Escribano Toribio, who claims an excellent second place. The podium is completed by Peter Gobisch (Fanatic / Duotone) as the young German produced a solid display to defeat Bjorn Olesen (Severne / Severne Sails) in the battle for third and fourth place.  That concludes what has been an absolutely epic 9 days in Pozo Izquierdo. There’s been an incredible amount of action with competition being held on every day of the event, which meant that we were able to gain results in all disciplines and categories. The PWA would like to extend their thanks to Björn Dunkerbeck and his team for all their hard work and we look forward to returning in 2024. That’s it for now from Gran Canaria, we’ll be back from the 27th July with more Freestyle and Slalom as the Fuerteventura PWA Grand Slam runs until the 5th August. Congratulations once again to all the winners. You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Gran Canaria— including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Also if you don’t already, follow us on our Social Media Channels: Facebook: @PWAWorldTourWindsurfing
Instagram: @pwaworldtour  
Twitter: @pwaworldtour 
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
3rd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Nicolas Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
8th Michele Becker (GER | Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils)
9th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Jimmy Thieme (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone) Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Wave Double Elimination 1st Daida Moreno (ESP | Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails) 
4th Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Justyna Sniady (POL | NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins) Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Wave Double Elimination 1st Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
2nd Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Marc Paré (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone) 
4th Ricardo Campello (VEN / BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)
5th Philip Köster (GER | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
6th Leon Jamaer (GER | Flikka / GUNSAILS)
7th Josep Pons (ESP | CS Custom Boards / Point-7 / Black Project Fins)
7th Alessio Stillrich (ESP | Simmer / Simmer Sails)
9th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Adam Warchol (POL | Goya Windsurfing)
9th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / NorthSails)
9th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - U20 Boy's  1st Liam Dunkerbeck (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins)
2nd Lennart Neubauer (GER | Starboard / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Tobias Bjørnaa (DEN | Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Anton Richter (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Hayata Ishii (JPN | RRD / RRD Sails)
6th Samuele Ferraro (ITA | Patrik)
7th Takumi Moriya (JPN | Severne / Severne Sails)
7th Marc Alonso (ESP | Ezzy Sails) Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Master’s 1st Ben Proffitt (UK | Simmer / Simmer Sails) 
2nd Dario Ojeda (ESP | Flikka / Flight Sails) 
3rd Toni Pijoan (ESP) Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Girl’s U20 Wave 1st Alexia Kiefer Quintana (GER | Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Isabel Triviño Delgado (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails)
3rd Maria Morales Navarro (ESP | Goya WIndsurfing)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Girl’s U17 Wave 1st Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Annagiulia Piccaglia (ESP)
3rd Lizzlotte Schilling Andrew (ESP | Angulo / Duotone)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Boy’s U17 Wave 1st Carlos Kiefer Quintana (GER | Fanatic / Duotone)
2nd Arthur Van den Brande (BEL | RRD / RRD Sails)
3rd Ryu Ngochi (JPN | Starboard / Severne Sails)
4th Iu Pijoan (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Boy’s U15 Wave 1st Ryomi Sugi (JPN | Severne / Severne Sails)
2nd Javier Escribano Toribio (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Peter Gobisch (GER | Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Bjorn Olesen (DEN | Severne / Severne Sails) Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
3rd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Nicolas Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
8th Michele Becker (GER | Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils)
9th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Jimmy Thieme (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)

Windsurf Cup SPO 2023

09 07.2023
Lars Poggemann gewinnt Multivan Windsurf Cup in St. Peter-Ording
Nach drei Tagen ging am Sonntag in St. Peter-Ording der Multivan Windsurf Cup zu Ende. Der Kieler Lars Poggemann (GER-730, Patrik Boards, Patrik Sails) triumphierte überraschend beim vierten Tourstopp der deutschen Spitzenserie. Dabei war es vermutlich der größte Erfolg, dass die Veranstaltung überhaupt stattfinden konnte. In der Aufbauphase drohte der Sommerorkan „Poly“ das gesamte Eventgelände zu überfluten und die Infrastruktur zu zerstören. Zwar konnten die befürchteten Schäden vermieden werden, aber der Multivan Windsurf Cup musste mit einem Tag Verspätung starten. Auf die sportlichen Wettkämpfe hatte dies jedoch keinen weiteren Einfluss. Pünktlich zum Eventbeginn herrschte in St. Peter-Ording Hochsommerwetter. Bei zwölf bis 16 Knoten konnten die Fahrer dann auf spiegelglattem Wasser im Sonnenuntergang zwei komplette Slalomeliminationen absolvieren. Lars Poggemann kann sich über seinen ersten Triumph bei einem Tourstopp des Multivan Windsurf Cups freuen. Der Kieler profitierte dabei von seiner konstant starken Leistung. Anders als die meisten Favoriten leistete er sich keinen Ausrutscher. Mit zwei dritten Plätzen kommt er in der Veranstaltungswertung auf 6,0 Punkte und findet sich damit an der Spitze des Klassements wieder. Nur einen Punkt dahinter folgt mit 7,0 Punkten Sem Luka Stroosma (NED-450, Patrik Boards, Loft Sails). Der Niederländer sicherte sich einen zweiten und einen fünften Platz. Mit Platz zwei in der Gesamtwertung ist er der beste ausländische Teilnehmer beim Multivan Windsurf Cup St. Peter-Ording. Ähnlich wie beim Sieger Poggemann zahlte sich auch beim Drittplatzierten die Konstanz aus. Leo Richter (GER-9, JP, Neil Pryde) konnte mit Platz vier und Platz fünf punkten. In der Veranstaltungswertung liegt er so nur zwei Punkte hinter dem Niederländer Stroosma auf dem dritten Platz. Für Leo Richter bedeutet ist dies das bisher beste Ergebnis beim Multivan Windsurf Cup. Auf dem vierten Platz folgte ein weiterer Niederländer: Koen Hessels (NED-88, Starboard, Severne) präsentierte sich in ausgezeichneter Form. Mit Platz vier und sechs kommt er auf 10,0 Punkte und verpasste damit das Podium nur um einen Punkt. Der Kampf um Platz fünf ist denkbar eng. Hier liegen der ehemalige Slalom Weltmeister Gunnar Asmussen (GER-2, Starboard, Severne) aus Flensburg und der ansonsten in der olympischen iQFOiL Klasse startende Fabian Wolf (GER-404, FMX Racing, Gun Sails) punktgleich Kopf an Kopf. Beide konnten jeweils eine der beiden Eliminationen gewinnen. Beide hatten aber auch jeweils im anderen Finale einen Frühstart und wurden so disqualifiziert. In der Veranstaltungswertung kommen beide auf 12,0 Punkte. Fabi Wolf kann sich aber als Sieger der ersten Wettfahrt über den Gewinn des Großen Preises der LVM Versicherung von 500 Euro Preisgeld freuen. Beim Multivan Windsurf Cup St. Peter-Ording schlug die Stunde der Nachwuchsfahrer: Gleich drei der Top-5 und fünf der Top-10 sind Youth U21 Talente. In dieser Division siegte der Niederländer Sem Luca Stroosma vor Leo Richter und Koen Hessels. In der Youth U19 Division triumphierte der Kieler Meno Büchler (GER-91, Starboard, Severne) vor dem Niederländer Thijs Hanemaaijer (NED-107, FMX Racing, North) und Keno Recke (GER-10, Patrik Boards, Patrik Sails), ebenfalls aus Kiel. Auch in der Youth U17 Division war mit Erik Wehkamp (GER-240, Fanatic, Duotone) ein Kieler an der Spitze. Ein perfektes Debüt in der deutschen Spitzenserie feierte Henning Schultz (GER-1506, Future Fly, Point-7). Bei seiner ersten Teilnahme erreichte er einen sensationellen 14. Platz. Der Pole Pawel Dittrich (POL-381, Starboard, Severne) zeigt mit Platz 9 in der Gesamtwertung, dass man als bester Grandmaster noch lange nicht zum alten Eisen gehört. Auf Platz zwei in der Grandmaster Division folgt Rolf Hauff (GER-786, Fanatic, Duotone) vor Robert Ahlborn (GER-88, Starboard, Severne). Neben den spannenden Wettbewerben der Windsurfer bot der Multivan Windsurf Cup wieder ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm. Das Eventvillage auf dem Ordinger Strand lockte zehntausende Besucher an. In der Van-Life Expo konnte alles rund um das Leben und Reisen mit dem Van bestaunt werden. An zahlreichen Shopping- und Catering-Ständen konnte gestöbert und geschlemmt werden. Bei den täglichen Eventpartys konnten die Besucher mit den Windsurfern feiern und die Abende gemeinsam ausklingen lassen. Wer den Sport nicht nur auf dem Wasser verfolgen wollte, konnte auch selber aktiv werden und an den kostenlosen Yoga Sessions von Black Label Yoga powered by LVM Versicherung teilnehmen. Nach dem Multivan Windsurf Cup St. Peter-Ording haben die Windsurfer jetzt zwei Wochen Pause, bevor beim Multivan Surf Cup Sylt die entscheidenden Ranglistenpunkten für die Jahresrangliste 2023 vergeben werden. Vom 25. bis zum 30. Juli geht es am Brandenburger Strand auch um die GWA Championships und die Internationale Deutsche Meisterschaft im Foil Slalom.

Verdi zu Cobra

07 07.2023
Aurelio Verdi - Shaper des schnellsten Windsurfbretts der Welt - schließt sich Cobra International an.

Cobra gibt bekannt, dass der renommierte Wassersport-Board-Shaper Aurelio Verdi dem Team beigetreten ist. Verdi, ein seit 25 Jahren tätiger Branchenveteran und Shaper des aktuellen Geschwindigkeitsweltrekordhalters Antoine Albeau (53,27 Knoten), wird ab sofort als Technischer Spezialist für Composite Boards (Windsurf, Wingboard, Kiteboard und SUP) tätig sein und die Produktionsabläufe bei Cobra optimieren sowie die Zusammenarbeit mit den globalen Marken und OEMs, für die Cobra in Thailand produziert, koordinieren.

In 1997, Aurelio Verdi shaped his first boards in his hometown of Grosseto, Italy, at Roberto Ricci’s RRD factory. Quickly establishing himself as one of the sports most talented shapers in the golden age of windsurf board development, Aurelio was soon shaping the entire RRD range of boards including those for team riders such as Josh Angulo. After a short stint in Hawaii, Aurelio continued his partnership with RRD and, in 2007, made the first of many trips to Cobra, rapidly building a strong technical partnership with Cobra’s Chief Innovation Officer Paolo Cecchetti.

Aurelio created the custom speed board used by Antoine Albeau for his, still unbeaten, 53.27 knot 500m speed record run in 2015. Verdi then went on to form his own company, AV Boards, focusing on high-end composite materials and technology to maximise board quality and durability. During this period, Aurelio observed first-hand the challenges of maintaining custom-board quality as production volumes scale up.

Aurelio’s appointment at Cobra sees him join a board manufacturer recognised as the industry leader for watersports composites. He will oversee the technical and quality side of board production across Cobra’s numerous production lines, as well as applying his decades of processing expertise to additional composite manufacturing throughout the Cobra group.

"We are delighted to welcome Aurelio Verdi to the Cobra International family," said Danu Chotikapanich, CEO of Cobra International. "His board shaping skills combined with an ability to translate how tiny variables of a board’s shape will impact both the rider experience and the composite production process make him almost unique in the industry. Having Aurelio onboard will undoubtedly enhance our ability to deliver cutting-edge watersports composite products to our customers and with Aurelio joining forces with industry icons and existing Cobra team members Bruce Wylie and Paolo Cecchetti, we have assembled a truly formidable technical team."

“For me, joining Cobra is an incredible opportunity. I get to work with the leading customers in the sport as well as the superbly talented production teams at Cobra, and together we share one simple goal - to build better boards. Carefully controlling every aspect of a board’s shape, we combine high-volume production with custom-board quality that is tailored to the specific requirements of each individual brand,” commented Verdi.

2023 Gran Canaria PWA Tag 5

05 07.2023
Blanca Alabau & Enrico Marotti sind die ersten Slalom-Windsurfer, die seit 2009 in Pozo siegen.
Der erste Slalom-Event in Pozo Izquierdo seit 14 Jahren endete stilvoll am fünften Tag des 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam mit weiteren fünf Eliminations für die Damen und drei Eliminations für die Herren, die bei 20-30 Knoten und einigen tückischen Wasserbedingungen ausgetragen wurden, was einige schwere Wipeouts und spannende Rail-to-Rail-Rennen zur Folge hatte. Letztendlich konnte jedoch niemand Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) und Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde), die beide vom ersten Tag an in Führung lagen, davon abhalten, den Sieg zu erringen. Slalom Women’s Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) started the day with the aim of winning her first event on the World Tour and the overnight leader was able to do exactly that despite a wobble in the opening elimination of the day, which saw the Spaniard fall at the first buoy. However, Alabau recovered brilliantly to finish 3rd and from there she never looked like she was going to relinquish the event lead - especially after winning the next race. Alabau has been incredibly consistent in Pozo and since finishing 7th in the opening race she did not finish out the top 4 once, whilst the 26-year-old won 6 out of the 15 eliminations completed. Alabau only achieved her first podium finish earlier this year in Lake Garda, but after victory in Pozo she emerges as a genuine world title contender and currently heads up the overall world rankings heading into Fuerte. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) secures second place in the Slalom, which is a phenomenal result considering the Aruban hasn’t really been training on the race course. Offringa, who is a former 5-time Slalom world champion, only finished outside the top 3 twice in 15 eliminations as her straight-line speed on the fin combined with consistent gybing allowed her to keep the foils at bay! Reigning world champion - Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) - completes the podium here, which will see her sitting in second place in the overall rankings. The 31-year-old finished the event in style as she showed her best form by winning 2 out of the 5 eliminations completed today - one of which included a great inside gybe at the last to set up a thrilling drag race with Offringa to the line, which Mortefon would win in a photo finish.  Jenna Gibson (Fanatic / Duotone) eventually finishes the event in 4th place and after yesterday’s woes, it looked like that may be the theme again today as she missed a couple more opportunities to win both Eliminations 12 & 13. Credit where credit is due though, as Gibson shook off that disappointment to finish third in Elimination 14, before finishing the event on a real high after claiming back-to-back bullets. The Brit clearly has a huge amount of potential and with a bit of tidying up on her gybes, she certainly has the potential to challenge for event victories in the future as she led over half of the races here at some point.  Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL) started the day in fifth and that’s where she finishes the event.  Men’s After the completion of the opening elimination of the day, overnight leader Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) saw his advantage cut from 3.4 points to just 2.3 points. The Croat was leading Elimination 8, but dropped his gybe at the first and with his main rival - Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) - finishing 3rd it looked like we could see a thrilling showdown. However, Marotti had different ideas and he quickly bounced back by winning Elimination 9 to put the event to bed with an elimination to spare. Victory here now means that Marotti has won two out of the last three events - having also won his first event in Japan late last year, whilst he also becomes the first man since - Antoine Albeau (JP / NeilPryde) - in 2009 to win a racing event in Pozo Izquierdo. Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) follows up his victory in Italy with a superb second place here with the Pole sailing unbelievably consistently again to maintain the world title race lead. Rutkowski qualified for every Winners’ Final in Italy and continued that trend here, which means he is now the only sailor this year to have qualified for every Winners’ Final thus far (14 out of 14). With second place secured before the last race, the Pole clearly enjoyed himself as he threw in several duck gybes during the last elimination. The reigning world champion will now set his sights on Fuerteventura.  Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils) has a habit of pouncing late and the Frenchman did it again today by finishing second and third in the last two races to pip - Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) - to the final place on the podium by just 0.3 of a point, whilst in Italy earlier this year Mortefon won the last race of the event to jump into second place. Third place here will see the 2019 world champion sitting in second heading into Fuerteventura at the end of the month.  Besides Rutkowski, Matteo Iachino is the only other sailor to boast a 100% qualifying record for the Winners’ Finals here, so there are obviously plenty of positives to take away, however, that news probably won’t help soften the blow of missing out on the podium in the manner in which he did. The Italian will head into Fuerte third in the overall rankings. Nicolas Prien (JP / NeilPryde) records his best result to date on the World Tour as the German walks away from Pozo with a solid 5th place. Prien qualified for 80% of the Winners’ Finals, whilst he never finished outside the top 9 in the 10 eliminations completed. The 27-year-old signed off the event in the perfect fashion as he secured his first bullet on the World Tour in the last race. Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) was the only man to win an elimination on a fin over the 3 days of racing and Flying Dutchman records his best result of the season - 6th - narrowly edging out - Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails) - by just 0.7 of a point. Vrieswijk himself did extremely well to recover from a slow start after the Bonairean was eliminated from the quarterfinals in both of the opening races to eventually finish 7th. The top 10 is completed by Michele Becker (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils), who continues his fine start to full-time life on tour having finished 5th in Italy - 8th here - Bruno Martini (JP / NeilPryde), who earlier in the day won his first elimination on a Foil - 9th - and Jimmy Thieme (Fanatic / Duotone), who competed on the fin in every race and also records his best result so far.  Like Thieme, Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7) also competed 100% on the fin and finishes 11th ahead of Alexia Mathis (Tabou / GA Sails), Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils), Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails), Cedric Bordes (Tabou / Severne Sails) and Antoine Questel (FMX Racing / S2Maui). The forecast for Thursday has improved slightly from the beginning of the week with slightly stronger winds and waves of up to 1.5 metres currently predicted, which will either see the Men’s and Women’s Wave fleets in action again or we could possibly see the introduction of the Youth’s for the first time at the 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam. All Wave fleets will meet again at 9:30am tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 10am (GMT+1) onwards.  Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
3rd Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Nicolas Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
8th Michele Becker (GER | Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils)
9th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
10th Jimmy Thieme (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Daida Moreno (ESP | Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Justyna Sniady (POL | NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Isabel Trivino Delgado (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Maria Navarro Morales (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
2nd Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Ricardo Campello (VEN / BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)
4th Marc Paré (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / NorthSails)
5th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | Flikka / GUNSAILS)
5th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)

Windsurf Cup SPO 2023

05 07.2023
Orkantief Poly: Multivan Windsurf Cup St. Peter-Ording startet verspätet ­
Aufgrund der aktuellen Wetterlage wird der Multivan Windsurf Cup erst am Freitag (07.07.) beginnen. Der Veranstalter Choppy Water und die Tourismus-Zentrale St. Peter-Ording haben in enger Abstimmung beschlossen, die Veranstaltung aufgrund des Sturmtiefs zu verschieben.  „Die heutigen Aufbauarbeiten auf dem Ordinger Strand mussten aufgrund des Sturmes und der drohenden Überflutung des Strandes leider verschoben werden“, teilt Katharina Schirmbeck, Tourismus-Direktorin von St. Peter-Ording, mit. „Es ist von größter Bedeutung, dass keine Personen zu Schaden kommen“, so Schirmbeck weiter. Um den Zeitplan dennoch einhalten zu können, wird am morgigen Donnerstag ein "Express-Aufbau" ab den frühen Morgenstunden stattfinden. Dies erfordert einen großen Einsatz aller Mitwirkenden des Windsurf Cups. Mit etwas Verspätung wird die Veranstaltung dann am Freitag, dem 07. Juli 2023 beginnen. Alle Besucher können sich auf ein spektakuläres Event mit einem abwechslungsreichen Rahmenprogramm freuen. Erstmals gibt es beim Multivan Windsurf Cup in St. Peter-Ording in diesem Jahr ein Partyzelt. Am Abend wird hier ab 19:00 Uhr direkt am Ordinger Strand gefeiert. Ein top DJ-Lineup sorgt für beste Stimmung: DJ Diamond und DJ SOLSONID werden den Gästen am Freitag und Samstag bis 01:30 Uhr einheizen. Ein besonderes Highlight: Das Parken auf dem Strand ist im Rahmen des Multivan Windsurf Cups ausnahmsweise bis eine Stunde nach Partyende erlaubt, sodass man bequem mit dem eigenen Auto zum Event und den Partys an- und abreisen kann. Der Multivan Windsurf Cup ist eines der herausragenden Ereignisse in der Windsurfszene und zieht jedes Jahr zahlreiche Teilnehmer und Zuschauer nach St. Peter-Ording. Auch beim vierten Tourstopp der deutschen Spitzenserie im Windsurfen werden spannende Wettbewerbe der Windsurf-Elite auf dem Wasser zu sehen sein. Die Veranstalter sind zuversichtlich, dass die Verschiebung des Beginns des Cups zu einem reibungslosen und erfolgreichen Ablauf führen wird. Alle weiteren Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie auf der offiziellen Website des Multivan Windsurf Cups

2023 Gran Canaria PWA Tag 4

04 07.2023
Blanca Alabau & Enrico Marotti führen den Slalom vor dem Finaltag an, während Jordy Vonk & Sarah-Quita Offringa die Flagge bei den Finnen hochhalten.
Der zweite Wettkampftag des 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam begann mit Winden im Bereich von 18 bis 25 Knoten, was dazu führte, dass die Mehrheit der Männer- und Frauen-Fleets das Foil als Mittel der Wahl gewählt haben. Im Laufe des Nachmittags nahm der Wind jedoch allmählich zu - mit Böen von mehr als 30 Knoten - und es gab eine deutliche Leistungsverschiebung, da die Finnen allmählich zu ihrem Vorteil kamen, während die Foils möglicherweise an ihre Obergrenze stießen, was die Frage beantwortet, ob Finnen in den heutigen Rennen noch einen Platz haben. Die Antwort lautet ja, aber erst, wenn der Wind über 30 Knoten erreicht. Wer weiß das schon, denn die Foils entwickeln sich rasant weiter, und in einigen Jahren wird sich ihre Leistung bei hohen Windgeschwindigkeiten zweifellos noch weiter verbessert haben, aber es war dennoch interessant zu sehen, dass die Finne unter bestimmten Bedingungen immer noch besser sein kann als das Foil - vor allem nach der gestrigen Klatsche. Slalom Women’s Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) started the day with a 2.3 point advantage at the top of the rankings, but after another excellent day in which the 26-year-old won 3 out of the 5 races she has extended her lead to 6.9 points. Alabau has raced incredibly consistently so far - only finishing outside the top 3 on two occasions in 10 eliminations - which has given her a stranglehold at the top of the rankings - currently discarding a 4th and 7th place - as she aims to secure her first win on the World Tour.  Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) remains Alabau’s closest rival after another solid day, which saw the Aruban secure a Birthday bullet in Elimination 10, whilst she recorded a second and two thirds in the other races - discarding a 6th from the first race when the wind was lighter. Things could’ve been even better for Offringa, but she was inadvertently taken down at the last mark of Elimination 8 when leading and had to settle for second place. If Offringa wants to deny Alabau she will need to go on a hot run of bullets to stand a chance of reeling in the Spaniard. Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) started the day in fourth and after a decent day, which saw her win Elimination 7 the reigning world champion gains one place - moving into the top 3 with a day to go, but an event win would seem out of her reach now as she trails Alabau by 13.9 points. Elsewhere, Jenna Gibson (Fanatic / Duotone) had a good day overall as the Brit only finished outside the top 4 once today. However, she will be left ruing a couple of missed opportunities. Gibson was beaten in a photo finish by her teammate - Mortefon - in Elimination 7, whilst in Elimination 8 she was rounding the last mark in second place before falling and eventually finishing 9th. Meanwhile, in the last elimination of the day - Elimination 10 - Gibson sailed superbly - showing tremendous straight-line speed to build a healthy lead by the last, only to drop her final gybe and finish 3rd. So far Gibson has let multiple bullet opportunities slip by, so she will want to sign off on a high tomorrow and right those wrongs.  Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL) slips two places to fifth as she struggles to show the form she demonstrated in Italy! Men’s Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) still leads the Slalom at the end of day two’s racing, but the Croat has seen his 7.6 point overnight lead reduced to just 3.3 points - not really through any fault of his own as Marotti enjoyed another fine day in which he didn’t finish outside the top 5, but more through his rivals sailing unbelievably well, which means tomorrow is now poised for a thrilling finale! Marotti did leave a few spare points on the race course with a couple of late errors, but remains in pole position as he looks to add to his event victory from Japan.  Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails) remains Marotti’s closest rival after the reigning world champion claimed his first bullet of the event in Elimination 8 to really close the gap, whilst he counts a second a fifth from the other races today - discarding an 8th from Elimination 5 for a premature start. The Pole is prominently placed to attack the top tomorrow! Elsewhere, Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) breaks into the overall top 3 after an extremely consistent day where the Italian didn’t finish outside the top 4 - recording a second, two thirds and a fourth. Iachino is currently 6.6 points off the top of the rankings and 3.3 points behind Rutkowski. Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Phantom Foils) climbs one place to 4th at the close of play and is currently 4.7 points outside the top 3. The Frenchman earned his first bullet of the event in Elimination 5, whilst he finished 3rd and fourth in Eliminations 4 and 6, but missed out on his first Winners’ Final of the event in the 7th race after he lost control of the foil just metres from the finish line with the wind gusting over 30 knots. Aside from the current top 3 - Nicolas Prien (JP / NeilPryde) - is the only other sailor in the fleet to boast a 100% qualifying record for the Winners’ Finals. However, despite that stellar performance the German slips two places as he drops from third to 5th. With the wind earlier in the day being light by Pozo standards - Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) - begrudgingly switched to the foil - recording a 5th, 13th & 16th, but with the wind increasing Vonk was on the limit of control, which led to a couple of wipeouts when leading a couple of heats. With the wind continuing to increase the 30-year-old had no hesitation switching back to the fin and that paid off beautifully in Elimination 10 as the Flying Dutchman became the first man since 2019 to win a Winners’ Final on a fin - much to his delight as he flew the fin flag in Pozo to register its first success here after 9 straight foil victories. Vonk occupies 6th heading into the final day of racing.  Mover of the Day Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails) is the day's biggest mover as the Bonairean climbs from outside the top 16 all the way into seventh place. Vrieswijk was able to discard both of his quarterfinal exits from yesterday, whilst his worst result today was a 9th place. The 27-year-old claimed his second bullet of the week in Elimination 6, but may feel he wasted a couple of other opportunities today after being disqualified from the Winners’ Finals of Elimination 4 and 5 for premature starts. Vrieswijk was also extremely unlucky in the last elimination of the day as when he was leading his semifinal his harness broke to leave him with no chance of qualifying.  Bruno Martini (JP / NeilPryde) gains three places from the overnight rankings as the Italian climbs from 11th to 8th, whilst the top 10 is completed by Michele Becker (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils) and Jimmy Thieme (Fanatic / Duotone). The top 16 is currently completed by Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils), Taty Frans (Future Fly / Severne Sails), Alexis Mathis (Tabou / GA Sails), Cedric Bordes (Tabou / Severne Sails), Lohan Jules (Future Fly / S2Maui / Phantom Foils) and Ingmar Daldorf (Tabou / GA Sails).  Elsewhere, Benoit Merceur (Starboard / Severne Sails) qualified for his first ever Winners’ Final in the last race of the day, but finished 8th being disqualified for the premature start. Tomorrow will see the conclusion of the Slalom at the 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam and it promises to provide a grandstand finale with all still to play for depending on how the racing unfolds. The forecast on paper looks lighter than today, but with clearer skies predicted anything could happen. The Slalom fleet will meet again at 10am (GMT+1) tomorrow morning with the action commencing from 11am onwards.  Current Ranking 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Slalom
*After 10 Eliminations
1st Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone) 
4th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL)
Current Ranking 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Slalom
*After 7 Eliminations
1st Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
3rd Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails) 
4th Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils)
5th Nicolas Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
6th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
7th Amado Vrieswijk (NB | Future Fly / Severne Sails)
8th Bruno Martini (ITA | JP / NeilPryde)
9th Michele Becker (GER | Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils) 
10th Jimmy Thieme (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Daida Moreno (ESP | Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Justyna Sniady (POL | NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Isabel Trivino Delgado (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Maria Navarro Morales (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
2nd Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Ricardo Campello (VEN / BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)
4th Marc Paré (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / NorthSails)
5th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | Flikka / GUNSAILS)
5th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)

2023 Gran Canaria PWA Tag 3:

03 07.2023
Foils dominieren über die die Finnen, Blanca Alabau & Enrico Marotti übernehmen die frühe Führung und der Slalom kehrt endlich nach Pozo Izquierdo zurück
Heute war der Tag, an dem der Weltcup-Slalom nach 14 Jahren endlich wieder nach Pozo Izquierdo zurückkehrte. Am dritten Tag des Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam gingen die weltbesten Racer bei Winden zwischen 20-30 Knoten zum ersten Mal bei diesem Event aufs Wasser. Zu Beginn des Tages, als der Wind stärker war, wählten die meisten Teilnehmer die Finne, gepaart mit 5,6 bis 6,8er Segeln, aber als der Wind abflaute, wurde das Foil schnell wieder zur Waffe der Wahl. Diejenigen, die mutig genug waren, das Foil bei den früheren stärkeren Winden zu nehmen, wurden belohnt, denn sie dominierten das Geschehen, da sie auf einer geraden Linie nichts gegen die Finnen verloren, während sie bei den Halsen einen enormen Geschwindigkeitsvorteil hatten.
It will now be interesting to see if one of the next two days produces winds in excess of 30 knots, whether the fin can still hold any advantage against the foils? Or whether perhaps the foil has now technically advanced so much that it has almost made the fin redundant?  For a while, it seemed the precarious launch with the foil may also be a limiting factor, but when the performance difference is so great it seemingly makes the risk reward worthwhile, particularly when the sailors were often working in at least pairs to enter and leave the water by separating the board and sail - therefore mitigating the risk. Will we now see almost everyone try and return to the foil for the next two days of racing? Slalom Women’s Blanca Alabau (Starboard / Severne Sails) heads up the overnight rankings at the end of day one of the racing in Pozo after enjoying a fantastic day on the water. The Spaniard didn’t make the best start to the event as she only finished 7th in the opener, but then went from strength-to-strength as she signed off the day with two bullets, one of which included a thrilling photo finish with Marion Mortefon, a second and a third. Alabau opted for the foil throughout and that paid dividends - particularly towards the end of the day when the wind decreased. The real advantage was in the gybes as she ate up the ground when the fins would lose all of their speed and momentum. Alabau currently holds a 2.3 point advantage at the top of the rankings. Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins), who finished second in the Women’s Wave Single Elimination yesterday, is the only sailor to be competing in both disciplines and the Aruban is Alabau’s closest challenger at the close of play. The former 5-time Slalom World Champion was able to win Elimination 4, whilst she recorded a second and two thirds in the other races (currently discarding a 7th place) to be prominently placed heading into the remaining two days of racing.  Like Alabau, Justine Lemeteyer (FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL) recovered from a relatively slow start - 8th in the first elimination - to move back into the top 3 by the end of the opening day. Lemeteyer absolutely dominated the opening event of the year in Italy and started to look more comfortable once the wind dropped slightly during the afternoon - recording two second places - and with plenty of racing to come, plus discards, she could well still challenge for the event title. Lemeteyer is currently 6.6 points off the top of the rankings. Reigning world champion - Marion Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone) - made the perfect start as she claimed the opening bullet of the event, but then experienced a bit of a mediocre day after the 31-year-old was pipped to victory on the line in Elimination 3, she finished 6th on three other occasions, which leaves her with work to do heading into the last two days - currently 4th. The top 5 is currently completed by Jenna Gibson (Fanatic / Duotone), who won the second elimination, but in reality she should have won both of the opening races after showing phenomenal top speed on the fin. The Brit was leading the opening race, but got confused when heading to the third buoy due to a spare buoy in the harbour distracting her, which caused her to sail to the wrong mark and ultimately cost her the bullet as she had already built a healthy lead by that point. Gibson is a point further back than Mortefon - currently 9.3 points off the top.  Men’s  Enrico Marotti (JP / NeilPryde) bounced back from a couple of costly errors in Italy by barely putting a foot wrong on the opening day here to deservedly lead the overnight rankings. The Croat took the field apart in the first two eliminations as he opted for the foil, whilst many of his rivals opted for the fin, and that paid off handsomely with two clear-cut bullets, whilst a solid third in the last elimination of the day means the 32-year-old currently holds a healthy 7.6 point advantage over Maciek Rutkowski (FMX Racing / Challenger Sails), who is his closest challenger for now at least. Rutkowski also opted for the foil throughout and comfortably booked his place in the Winners’ Final of the opening elimination, but jumped the gun to be disqualified and finish 8th. The reigning world champion, who is also the current World Tour leader, made a solid recovery by finishing second in both Elimination 2 and 3 and will now have a chance to discard that 8th place in the next elimination. The Pole led the last elimination until the final gybe, but ultimately couldn’t quite hold off Amado Vrieswijk (Future Fly / Severne Sails).  Like Marotti and Rutkowski, Nico Prien (JP / NeilPryde) decided that the the foil would be best throughout and the fact that these three sailors complete the current top 3 speaks volumes for just how powerful and important the foil has become in racing. Prien is just a point further back than Rutkowski after recording a third and two fifths.  Matteo Iachino (Starboard / Severne Sails) was one of the sailors who opted for the fin in the opening couple of races and the Italian demonstrated that he is still blisteringly quick on the fin as he recorded a third place in the opener, followed by a 5th in the next. With the wind dropping Iachino decided to switch to the foil in the third elimination, but after qualifying for the Winners’ Final, the former world champion was desperately unlucky to get a piece of rope around his foil at the start, which ultimately forced him to stop and surrender any chance of a top result. Iachino still finds himself in 4th overall after a solid opening day.  Jordy Vonk (Fanatic / Duotone) thrived upon the return to strong wind slalom as the flying Dutchman kicked off the event with two fourth places and a 10th to find himself in 5th after the first three races, whilst his teammates - Pierre Mortefon (Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils) and Jimmy Thieme (Fanatic / Duotone) currently occupy 6th and 7th - with the latter enjoying his best day ever on tour as the Frenchman qualified for all three Winners’ Finals - finishing 6th, 7th & 6th.  The top 10 is currently completed by Michele Becker (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils), Alexandre Cousin (Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils) and Taty Frans (Future Fly / Point-7). Bruno Martini (JP / NeilPryde) is another sailor who thrived being back on the fin as the Italian started the event with a second and a 9th place, however, with the wind dropping in the third Martini was eliminated in the quarterfinals which leaves him just outside the top 10 - 11th. Elsewhere, Amado Vrieswijk will have been delighted to sign off the day with a bullet after out manoeuvring Rutkowski at the final buoy of Elimination 3 with a superb gybe. The Bonairean endured a terrible start to the event as he failed to progress from the quarterfinals of both of the first two eliminations, but with plenty of racing to come, victory in the last at least gives him a chance of still salvaging a decent result. The focus for tomorrow will remain with the Slalom and with a similar forecast for today there should be another solid day of racing ahead, hopefully with slightly stronger wind as it predicted to be less cloudy than today. The Slalom fleets will meet again at 10am (GMT+1) tomorrow morning for the skippers’ meeting with the action commencing from 11am onwards.  You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Gran Canaria— including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Current Ranking 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Slalom 1st Blanca Alabau (ESP | Starboard / Severne Sails)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Justine Lemeteyer (FRA | FMX Racing / S2Maui / LOKEFOIL)
4th Marion Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Jenna Gibson (GBR | Fanatic / Duotone)
Current Ranking 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Slalom 1st Enrico Marotti (CRO | JP / NeilPryde)
2nd Maciek Rutkowski (POL | FMX Racing / Challenger Sails)
3rd Nicolas Prien (GER | JP / NeilPryde)
4th Matteo Iachino (ITA | Starboard / Severne Sails)
5th Jordy Vonk (NED | Fanatic / Duotone)
6th Pierre Mortefon (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone / Chopper Fins / Phantom Foils)
7th Jimmy Thieme (FRA | Fanatic / Duotone)
8th Michele Becker (GER | Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils)
9th Alexandre Cousin (FRA | Patrik / Patrik Sails / Patrik Foils)
10th Taty Frans (NB | Future Fly / Point-7)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Daida Moreno (ESP | Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Justyna Sniady (POL | NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Isabel Trivino Delgado (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Maria Navarro Morales (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
2nd Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Ricardo Campello (VEN / BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)
4th Marc Paré (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / NorthSails)
5th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | Flikka / GUNSAILS)
5th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)

2023 Gran Canaria PWA Tag 2:

03 07.2023
Daida Moreno dominiert weiter in Pozo, nachdem sie sich den Sieg in der Single Elimination gesichert hat.
Am zweiten Tag des 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam standen die besten Wavesurferinnen der Welt zum ersten Mal in dieser Woche im Mittelpunkt, als die Single Elimination der Frauen bei 25-35 Knoten Wind und brusthohen Wellen begann. Während der Single Elimination gab es mehrere beeindruckende Leistungen, da die Mädels alles gaben, um erfolgreich zu sein. Am Ende konnte Daida Moreno (Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) nicht gestoppt werden, da sie ihre Leidenschaft für den Pozo Izquierdo fortsetzt. Nach dem Abschluss der Single Elimination der Frauen wurde auch die erste Runde der Double Elimination der Männer beendet, womit ein weiterer sehr erfolgreicher Tag auf Gran Canaria zu Ende ging. Wave Women’s Single Elimination Daida Moreno boasts a phenomenal record at her home event with the 18-time world champion having won all but once here since 1998, which converts as an incredible 95.45% win rate and Daida is now in pole position to extend that record to 22 victories from a possible 23 (almost 95.6%) - as no result was gained in 2013 - after producing another stellar performance today to claim another clinical victory. Daida was pushed all the way by Sarah-Quita Offringa (Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins) in the final, but asserted late on as she linked her best wave of the heat with her final effort, whilst she was as lethal as ever in the air with a variety of stylish backloops, stalled and tabletop forwards. Daida now has one hand on this year’s event title and it’s hard to see anyone wrestling that away from her given her level of domination here.  Sarah-Quita Offringa laid down a valiant effort in the final as she went toe-to-toe with Daida for much of Heat 17 - however, ultimately she just fell short. Offringa looked sharp throughout and showed off an excellent range of jumping consisting of planing forwards, backloops and tweaked pushloops. The reigning world champion will now have to wait for the Double Elimination for a second bite at the cherry. Iballa Moreno (Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins) completes the podium after the completion of the Single Elimination as she came out on top in the battle for bronze ahead of - Justyna Sniady (NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins). Iballa also claims the award for the highest scoring jump of the day for a pretty much planing backloop - which earned her 7.62 points. Red Bull Rockets Lina Erpenstein (Severne / Severne Sails) currently holds the lead in the Women’s Red Bull Rockets Award after the German landed a huge 5.6m stalled forward, whilst Daida Moreno occupies second with 4.5m, followed by Iballa Moreno, who completes the top 3 with a jump height of 3.8m. Erpenstein was unlucky to bump into an inform Iballa Moreno in the quarterfinals, so she finishes joint 5th in the Single Elimination, but the 26-year-old set the highest scoring heat of the day in her opening heat against - Alexia Kiefer Quintana (Fanatic / Duotone) - as she set a grand total of 18.76 points. Kiefer Quintana herself was unlucky as her heat total of 15.5 points would have been good enough to progress from many of the second round heats.  Elsewhere, Isabel Trivino Delgado (Severne / Severne Sails), Maria Navarro Morales (Goya Windsurfing) and Sol Degrieck (Severne / Severne Sails) all share joint 5th with Erpenstein.  Men’s  Double Elimination Josep Pons (CS Custom Boards / Point-7 / Black Project Fins) and Takuma Sugi (Tabou / GA Sails / Black Project Fins) both set the joint highest heat score in the first round of the Men’s Double Elimination with a total of 19.12 points as they dispatched of Ryu Noguchi (Starboard / Severne Sails) and Laurin Schmuth (Goya Windsurfing) respectively.  Buzzer Beater Elsewhere, Dieter Van der Eyken (Severne / Severne Sails) needed every second of his heat against Alex Grand-Guillot (Starboard / Loftsails) to navigate his way into the second round as he landed an almost planing pushloop in the dying seconds of the heat to progress by just half of a point.  Arthur Arutkin (Fanatic / Duotone) set the third highest heat score in the first round - 18.37 points - as he dispatched of fellow countryman - Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails) in Heat 32b. The other sailors to progress through the first round of the double include; Jose Romero (Mistral / Challenger Sails), Moritz Mauch, Hayata Ishii (RRD / RRD Sails), Federico Morisio (Starboard / Severne Sails), Morgan Noireaux (JP / NeilPryde / Black Project Fins), Adam Warchol (Quatro / Goya Windsurfing), Takara Ishii (RRD / RRD Sails), Mike Friedl (Goya Windsurfing), Miguel Chapuis (JP / NeilPryde) and Omar Sanchez (Tabou / GA Sails). Having won the recent Fiji Surf World Cup at Cloudbreak, Baptiste Cloarec (RRD / RRD Sails) was brought crashing back down to earth as he was dealt a first round exit at the hands of Henri Kolberg (Naish / Naish Sails). The forecast for tomorrow is very similar to today, so there promises to be more action to come on Sunday. The wave fleet will meet again at 9:30am for their skippers’ meeting with a first possible start at 10am (GMT+1) - if conditions are suitable. Meanwhile, for the first time this week the Slalom fleet will meet at 11am for their skippers’ meeting, so we may see some flat stick racing tomorrow afternoon with the action commencing from 12pm onwards. You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Gran Canaria— including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Women’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Daida Moreno (ESP | Bruch Boards / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa (ARU | Starboard / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins)
3rd Iballa Moreno (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Justyna Sniady (POL | NorthSails / Maui Ultra Fins)
5th Isabel Trivino Delgado (ESP | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Maria Navarro Morales (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
5th Lina Erpenstein (GER | Severne / Severne Sails)
5th Sol Degrieck (BEL | Severne / Severne Sails)
Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
2nd Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Ricardo Campello (VEN / BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)
4th Marc Paré (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / NorthSails)
5th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | Flikka / GUNSAILS)
5th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)

2023 Gran Canaria PWA Tag 1

02 07.2023
Marcilio Browne setzt sich in der Single Elimination knapp gegen Marino Gil durch, und das auf einem extrem windigen Pozo Izquierdo.
Am ersten Tag des 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing Grand Slam waren die Bedingungen von Anfang an sehr gut und es wurde nur wenig Zeit verschwendet, um den Wave Contest der Männer am brodelnden Pozo Izquierdo zu beginnen. Echte klassische Pozo-Bedingungen begrüßten die Teilnehmer mit 40-50 Knoten Wind und Stuntrampen überall, die den idealen Spielplatz für die weltbesten Wavesurfer darstellten, um ihr Können zu zeigen und die Zuschauer zu begeistern. Men’s Wave Marcilio Browne (Goya Windsurfing) made the perfect start to his Pozo campaign as he defeated local boy Marino Gil (Goya Windsurfing) by the narrowest of margins in the Single Elimination Winners’ Final - just 0.04 of a point separated the two teammates by the end of an epic battle. Browne was one of the standout sailors throughout with the Brazilian posting the highest scoring heat of the day in his opening heat against Mike Friedl (Goya Windsurfing) - 32.38 points - and the 34-year-old would continue that rich vein of form as he posted 3 consecutive heat scores over 30 points with a combination of stalled double forwards and pushloop forwards, whilst showing plenty of variation on the wave. Last year Browne fought back in the Double Elimination to claim second place, but today he goes one better, which is the the first time that the reigning world champion has stood on top of the podium in Pozo. Browne will now look to defend his place in the Double Elimination.  Marino Gil thoroughly entertained the home crowds throughout the opening day as the local consistently pulled off a series of tremendous performances to book his place in the top 4 in Pozo for the first time. For a while, it looked as though his journey may end in the semifinals as he faced an on form Ricardo Campello (Naish / Naish Sails), but the 20-year-old pulled off a one-foot backloop buzzer beater to book his place in the final, whilst sending the crowd into raptures. Gil almost pulled off a carbon copy against Browne in the in the final, but agonisingly fell just 0.04 of a point short. However, Gil will be absolutely delighted with his performance today and he is already guaranteed his best result on tour and his first podium. The Spaniard also currently leads the Red Bull Rockets after earning perfect 10s in the final for a monstrous 11.6m pushloop forward! Campello will no doubt have been gutted to have been denied a place in the final in the dying seconds, but the current World Tour leader is still in an excellent position to challenge for the event title after securing third place in the Single Elimination. The 37-year-old came out on top of an incredibly tight heat against Marc Paré (Fanatic/ Duotone) in the battle for third and fourth place, but he eventually edged out his Spanish rival by just 0.12 of a point. Just as in the case of Marino Gil, 4th place in the Single Elimination represents Paré’s best result to date in Pozo. The Spaniard took down Jake Schettewi (JP / NeilPryde), Liam Dunkerbeck (Starboard / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) and teammate - Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone) - on his way to the semifinals before Marcilio Browne ended his hopes in the single, but he has an excellent platform on which to build upon.  The Power of the Pushloop Forward & Double Forward One of things that was clearly evident today was just how critically important the pushloop forward, and at least a double forward - if not a stalled double forward - have now become in order to reach to latter stages in Pozo. All of today’s top 4 consistently performed both in order to dispatch of their rivals. Upset of the Day There were some question marks about the fitness of Philip Köster (Severne / Severne Sails / Black Project Fins) before the event, but after his performance in his opening heat it seemed like any doubts about his foot were firmly quashed as he produced an extremely polished performance. However, the 5-time world champion made a string of uncharacteristic errors in Heat 20b, whether that was due to his foot hampering him or not remains to be seen, which opened the door for Jules Denel (JP / NeilPryde) to cause a huge upset and the Frenchman duly obliged by taking down Köster after linking together two solid waves and a big backloop and a double forward. In the end, Denel advanced by just 0.01 of a point to progress into the top 8, whilst Köster now faces an uphill task to defend his event title as he currently occupies joint 9th after the single elimination.  Currently, Victor Fernandez (Fanatic / Duotone), Antoine Martin (Starboard / NorthSails) and Leon Jamaer (Flikka / GUNSAILS) sit alongside Denel in joint 5th at the close of the opening day. The top 10 is currently completed by Liam Dunkerbeck, Antoine Albert (Goya Windsurfing), Graham Ezzy (Tabou / Ezzy Sails), Julian Salmonn (Bruch Boards / GUNSAILS), Thomas Traversa (Tabou / GA Sails), Alessio Stillrich (Simmer / Simmer Sails), Robby Swift (JP / NeilPryde) and Köster.  The forecast for tomorrow is slightly lighter than today, whilst it is expected that there will still be waves, so the focus for Sunday will remain with the wave fleets. The sailors will meet again tomorrow morning at 9am with the action commencing from 9:30am (GMT+1) onwards - conditions depending.  You can stay up to date with all the latest developments from Gran Canaria— including the live stream, elimination ladders, entry list, images and live ticker simply by clicking HERE and scrolling to the bottom of the page. Result 2023 Gran Canaria PWA Windsurfing World Cup - Men’s Wave Single Elimination 1st Marcilio Browne (BRA | Goya Windsurfing)
2nd Marino Gil (ESP | Goya Windsurfing)
3rd Ricardo Campello (VEN / BRA | Naish / Naish Sails)
4th Marc Paré (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)
5th Antoine Martin (FRA | Starboard / NorthSails)
5th Jules Denel (FRA | JP / NeilPryde)
5th Leon Jamaer (GER | Flikka / GUNSAILS)
5th Victor Fernandez (ESP | Fanatic / Duotone)

RRD One Hour Classic 2023

26 06.2023
Bruno Martini bricht Rekorde bei der RRD One Hour Classic: Er übertrifft sich selbst bei den Finnen (aus dem Jahr 2018) und bei den Foils schlägt er den Rekord des Niederländers Vonk aus dem Jahr 2022
Eine perfekte Ausgabe der historischen RRD One Hour Classic, einer Regatta, die seit 1989 vom Circolo Surf Torbole organisiert wird und für Slalom- und seit 2018 auch für Foilboards reserviert ist, die ihre Einzigartigkeit im Wandel der Zeit beibehält, mit einer Stunde zwischen den beiden Ufern des Garda Trentino (Ponale und Conca d'Oro) mit der Herausforderung, so viele Runden wie möglich zu drehen, bevor die Zeit abgelaufen ist. Der Wind war so perfekt, dass Bruno Martini vom Circolo Surf Torbole beide Rekorde brach, sowohl mit der Finne als auch mit dem Foil. Der Ora" (der klassische Südwind des oberen Gardasees) war nicht sehr stark, aber er setzte früh ein und nahm allmählich zu, mit klarem Himmel, wie bei Nordwind; es war eine schöne gerade Richtung, etwa 20-22 Knoten am frühen Nachmittag, als die FIN-Regatta um 15 Uhr begann, vor der Foil, die etwas weniger hatte, aber definitiv besser war als am Samstag. Und dieser perfekte Tag war auch ein perfekter Tag für Bruno Martini, der das ideale Set-up mit Brett, Segel und Zubehör fand und sowohl im Foil- als auch im Finnen-Rennen den Rekord brach. Nach einem Freitag, an dem es nichts zu tun gab, und einem Samstag, an dem sowohl der Finnenslalom als auch der Foil-Slalom ausgetragen wurden, war der Sonntag die Krönung, der alles zunichtemachte, was am Vortag an Zeiten, Platzierungen und Spaß erreicht worden war. Am Sonntag waren zuerst die Foils an der Reihe, die eine rasante technische Entwicklung durchlaufen: Die totale Beherrschung des Bootes und eine immer leistungsfähigere Ausrüstung haben es Bruno Martini ermöglicht, den Foil-Rekord von Jordy Vonk aus dem Jahr 2022 mit 21 Schlägen in 1h 01? zu brechen; Bruno schaffte 22 Schläge in 1h 04? 21? und erreichte dabei eine Spitzengeschwindigkeit von 31,10 Knoten. Der Foil-Slalom-Rekord hingegen stammt aus dem Jahr 2018 und gehörte Bruno Martini selbst, der 19 Seiten in 1h 00? 31? drehte; heute schaffte er es, sich selbst um 16 Sekunden zu übertreffen, obwohl er den Kurs gerade überquerte, als Martini nach der Hälfte des Rennens die Ponale-Boje drehte. Eine wirklich großartige Veranstaltung, bei der wieder einmal Alberto Menegatti, der viel zu früh von uns gegangene Athlet des Circolo Surf Torbole, dem die One Hour gewidmet ist, Wind und herrliches Wetter von dort oben schickte. Dieses Jahr gab es weniger Champions, dafür aber viele junge, neue Gesichter, die viel Spaß hatten: ein gutes Zeichen für die Zukunft. Abgesehen von den beiden fantastischen Rekorden, die die One Hour nie alt werden lassen, kommen wir nun zu den Platzierungen: Erster im U20-Slalom wurde der Däne Noah Vinther, während in der Foil-Kategorie der Circolo Surf Torbole-Athlet Jacopo Gavioli gewann, der immer besser wird. Bei den Damen siegte die Tschechin Kristyna Pinosova mit dem Foil, bei den Finnen die Italienerin Anna Biagiolini. Edoardo Thermes hingegen gewann die erste Auflage, die auch den Windsurfern vorbehalten war, die zusammen mit dem Finslalom starteten, allerdings gegen den Wind. Martini gewann bei den Finnen vor Malte Reuscher, Dritter wurde der erste U20-Fahrer Noah Vinther. In der Foil-Wertung siegte hinter Rekordmann Bruno Martini der Franzose Lucas Guiraud, der am Samstag noch Erster war. Dritter wurde der Italiener Daniele Benedetti.